标签:E-Ink - 英国华人论坛


E-Book Readers and E-Ink: their Past, Present and F

E-Ink is not an ink as such, but a form of encapsulation used in eBook Readers. Ink has been used for thousands of years, and the principle of ink upon paper to convey thoughts, ideas and messages is a sound one. Paper is easy to carry aroun...英国华人论坛


What's Next in e-Ink Technology

Not only is the technology of e-readers progressing rapidly, but e-Ink technology is improving alongside it.  There have been a number of new developments that we will be seeing later in the year, one of them being color e-Ink.  However, a...英国华人论坛


Color E-Ink and Color eReaders: The Hanvon Initiati

Will color E Ink add pizzazz to color eReaders?  It's a moot question, but most dedicated E Ink eReaders are at a disadvantage when compared to tablet computers - the lack of color. E Ink offers fabulous authentic-looking text on black and...英国华人论坛