要送娃(16 months)去nursery了,被别的娃和教
之前始终下不了信心,当初已交了定金,筹备一个月后去。次要耽心被别的娃和教师传上covid,请有教训的家长们教授一下教训,应该怎么做好筹备。 回帖 回帖 有无在nursery没有被传上...英国华人论坛
之前始终下不了信心,当初已交了定金,筹备一个月后去。次要耽心被别的娃和教师传上covid,请有教训的家长们教授一下教训,应该怎么做好筹备。 回帖 回帖 有无在nursery没有被传上...英国华人论坛
图片802×十二十二 103 KB 回帖 nursery和receiption是两个零碎离开报名的,当初nursery的waiting list撤了,由于马上学期完结。你在receiption waiting list的第一个,彻底不必焦急啊,全都正常。 回...英国华人论坛
当初正在找任务,找到全职的任务,就得把宝宝每天送nursery了,当初宝宝不到5个月,是否太早了? 各位妈妈都是何时送宝宝去托儿所的呢? 还有nursery和childminder究竟啥区分啊? 回帖...英国华人论坛
怨言贴。。。 娃18个月,平时也带去加入一些parent group的流动。 一周去3次摆布。 家里添了一些玩具,天气欠好的时分,不克不及出门只能在家玩的时分,发现宝宝对玩具不是很感兴致...英国华人论坛
第一个娃 一头雾水 nursery的评分在哪里看呀 听说抢手中央还需求waiting list 这些怎么样报名呀 求各位美妈指点哇~ 回帖 ofsted,输出你家邮编,左近的nursery的report都能看 而后找一两个你...英国华人论坛
明天幼儿园教师告知我园里有娃确诊CHICKEN POX。 幼儿园很小,一天一共至多十二个孩子,大班6个,小班6个,根本都在一个大房间外面玩, 我的娃10个月,还没得过这个,所以没有抗体...英国华人论坛
霸王妞自从一月二十号Nursery Settle in 后到当初始终生病,光发热就五次了。挨次是感冒发热,再次感冒发热,拉肚子,MMR后高烧,MMR十天后疹子(竟然被疑心是水痘被要求在家隔离,起...英国华人论坛
各位妈妈, 我儿子20周, 明天次日去nursery, 应该十一-十一:30吃奶, 我送孩子去的时分 曾经跟姨妈说了, 十一点吃奶,能够不知道为何note上写 1:30才喂奶?! 他爸去接的时分, 也没问...英国华人论坛
我儿子快2岁半了, 自从上周开始去NURSERY之后, 就离不开我了! 即便都在家里, 也始终要呼叫妈咪, 而后随时随地求抱. 我有时出门买个货色他都一副要哭了的模样… 明天他爹希图早上带他...英国华人论坛
宝宝七个月了,再过两个月想送nursery,听有的妈妈保举childminder,想问问有教训的妈妈们是选nursery好仍是childminder好呢? 回帖 我家送的nursery,没试过childminder。我觉得nursery教师多,孩...英国华人论坛
和家门口的nursery约了下周去参观。 宝宝刚7周大,打算8个月开始,每个周去一两天,一岁之后Full time… 据说这个nursery还不错,而且名额紧张,所以才早做筹备。 我斟酌了一些要关注的...英国华人论坛
明年1月宝宝就要出世了,爸妈过去一段时间,大略6各月时间,我能够用年假带两个月。所以宝宝七八个月就打算送nursery了。我想问问姐妹们有无那末小送的,会不会很难顺应啊? 回帖...英国华人论坛
我家孩子三岁始终在一家公家的nursery上学,一周3天这样。十一月份销假了全部月,孩子没去nursery。 咱们本人在家给孩子trainning potty, 胜利戒掉了尿布。昨天收到Nursery的owner 发的ema...英国华人论坛
昨天下昼Nursery打电话让去接说是出水痘了,娃爸立刻约了gp带娃去看了,而后就肯定是水痘了。Gp保举calamine lotin,然而给的水痘单子上又说这个当初不保举用了由于成果欠好,不知道大...英国华人论坛
在ofsted上找家左近的nursery,看的我晕晕的。Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises 是否就是nursery的意思啊?假如不是和nursery的区分在哪里呢? 还有就是,阿谁Ofsted的report,有几项是有分数的,这...英国华人论坛
当年激进党许诺到2017年仍是1几年会给3岁的小孩30个小时的收费nursery时间,当初3岁是给15个小时的收费,上次据说有些中央曾经开始实施收费的30个小时了, 不知道有无知道的美妈们说...英国华人论坛
英国(西欧)第一家中英双语私校Kensington Ward 2017年在肯辛顿倒闭,Nursery(招两岁三岁孩子)4月份退学,Reception Class(4岁)9月份退学。 学校网站 http://www.kensingtonwade.com/ 旧事 School t...英国华人论坛
在kingston看到一所outstanding的infant and nursery school。版里求教大家,除了招收5-7岁的孩子外,这类类型的学校和primary school有甚么区分?谢谢! 回帖 我家儿子往年九月就上这类学校,我问...英国华人论坛
儿子当初在nursery上pre school room,当初又拿到了家前面一小学pre school的offer。想问问这两个在教学品质上会不会有不同?当初纠结的是儿子在目前的nursery上了3年了,曾经熟的和本人家同...英国华人论坛
据说30小时nursery收费只能永居和英籍能力请求。拿tier2的人不合乎请求前提,由于没有public recourse。 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/30-hours-free-childcare-eligibility 30小时nursery收费不是pu...英国华人论坛
假如父母一方是永居,另外一方工签,小孩是英国籍,这样小孩能享用30小时收费nursery吗? 回帖 这个和身份不妨事,合法就行。不外得多幼儿园,尤为小幼儿园,不实施这个政策 回帖...英国华人论坛
娃快9个月了打算送Nursery.有下列几个问题想问问各位有教训的妈妈: 1) 在看nursery的时分有甚么需求问分明和视察的?(打算看2-3个) 2) 娃当初每日三餐+母乳然而喝奶不按时想喝就...英国华人论坛
马上过节了,不知道英国需求给nursery staff筹备礼物吗?跟其余家长也就是见面点个头没交流过 回帖 咱们之前就是一盒巧克力给院长,让大家share就行-了,除非你很喜爱孩子的key worke...英国华人论坛
看了可能有五六家吧,最初选好了一家。看的时分staff特别和煦,愁容满面,一边跟小敌人互动一边老远隔着玻璃跟我摇头打招呼。 明天Settle in第一天,在里边呆了一小时。两个小敌人...英国华人论坛
妈妈都是何时把宝宝送去nursery的?2岁下列的宝宝在那里干些甚么呢?还有大略费用是多少,需求提前多久去注册? 回帖 刚送去的 时分 ,宝宝 5个月打 摆布 。 在曼城, 送的是full t...英国华人论坛
相问一下有教训的妈妈们, 你们是送宝宝去nursery 仍是 childminder呢? 说说利害吧, 我想在很矛盾:cn13: 回帖 固然是nursery了,由于毕竟办理都是地下的,childminder,孩子在他人家里,人家...英国华人论坛
我家旦旦当初一岁两个月了,原本想着明年她姥姥过去或者我辞职在家当全职妈妈,等孩子两岁再去nursery. 可是当初状况有变,我和她爹不能不斟酌明年2月份就要送她去nursery了. 这样一...英国华人论坛
We can all agree upon the fact that a house without a blooming garden looks empty and shallow. Plants like Herbaceous Perennials and Alpines can turn a garden into a place where you would gladly spend your time with friends and family. In ca...英国华人论坛
There is no doubt a need for good daycare programs, and it certainly is possible to make a decent income opening such a business, but there are many considerations to take into account before diving into such a venture.The most important thi...英国华人论坛
Babys sleeping areao For your child to sleep in, you will have to first choose between a crib and a bassinet. The difference between the two is in the size as well as in the length of time your baby will be using it. o Bassinet...英国华人论坛
Are you excited about the arrival of your new baby but short of ideas when it comes to decorating and furnishing a baby nursery? Will you forget something vital? Don't worry, this list of essential furniture for your baby nursery will ma...英国华人论坛
When you go out of your home for work or any other purpose, there is always this fear in your mind about your child. Will it be properly taken care of? You know you left your child with the babysitter when you left, but there is still this f...英国华人论坛
Your child is precious to you so, when the time comes that you have to leave him or her out of the home for considerable time, quite naturally you will want to be extra careful in choosing the best option. The nursery where you send your chi...英国华人论坛
Nursery Rhymes have been taught to children for hundreds of years, with many dating from the Middle Ages. They are the earliest educational tools that children use for learning language and counting skills. Additionally they combine move...英国华人论坛
When you bring your new baby home, you probably will have the urge to keep him near you at all times, especially when you (try to!) go to sleep for the night. It makes sense to have a crib or cradle in your bedroom at first, since it will mi...英国华人论坛
Theres nothing more wonderful than planning the nursery for your new baby. If youve decided to find out the gender of your baby, you can have the room all ready for him or her when you come home from the hospital.What kinds of things do...英国华人论坛
The most important part of any nursery is the crib. You want to make it safe and cozy. No matter what type of crib you get, make sure it conforms to all safety guidelines and standards. Make sure the crib mattress fits snugly against the rai...英国华人论坛
Youve probably heard of feng shui, the Chinese system for arrangement and placement of furniture in a room. Its often used in businesses and homes as a way to create positive energy in your environment. Even if youve never used feng sh...英国华人论坛
There are about a million ways to go about decorating a nursery, and there are about a million different ways to go about spending tons of money doing it as well. However, for all of the people out there that have expensive taste without all...英国华人论坛
Why should you consider an organic crib mattress for our baby? After all, as long as its safe and comfortable, your baby will fine right? Well, maybe. Many parents-to-be are unaware that conventional mattresses are typically made with synt...英国华人论坛
For young parents and parents to be, shopping for baby nursery bedding for your little one can be thrilling.However, all may not be as it seems so you must be careful when choosing bedding for your nursery. Some baby bedding on the market to...英国华人论坛
Parents often feel the nursery occupies their thoughts long before the baby arrives. It is exciting and overwhelming to imagine creating the space your child will dream, laugh and grow in. The babys nursery should be unique to your family....英国华人论坛
Furnishing and equipping a nursery fora new arrival can be a very exciting and enjoyable project. Also, if one givesit some thought and invests careful planning, the nursery could well be a verycomfortable asset for you and your new bundle o...英国华人论坛
You think you know how to arrange your nursery room for your little one. If you are so sure this article is not for you. However there are parents who think that there can be something more they want to know about it to design a nursery for...英国华人论坛
As babies and toddlers have no sense of danger everyday items can become a possible threat to their safety. Thus it is precisely this fact that has to make parents very cautious. The place where you and your baby are going to spend the huge...英国华人论坛
Soft shades of pink, blue and yellow are no longer top choices when it comes to decorating a baby's nursery. Now, beautiful color combinations of chocolate brown and sage green have taken over baby's room. The combination of these two colors...英国华人论坛