医生倡议打,MF说打能够啊。 可有的敌人怀孕期间都没打。有的妈妈说打欠好。 我曾经33周了 回帖 没据说过小孩儿还打这个疫苗的,不都是给宝宝打么 回帖 是whooping cough吗,我37周才...英国华人论坛
医生倡议打,MF说打能够啊。 可有的敌人怀孕期间都没打。有的妈妈说打欠好。 我曾经33周了 回帖 没据说过小孩儿还打这个疫苗的,不都是给宝宝打么 回帖 是whooping cough吗,我37周才...英国华人论坛
Basically all of these deaths occur in children under twelve months of age. Another quick statistic is that of these 30 to 50 million cases, 90% occor in developing countries.The disease was easily and widely recognized in as early as 1578....英国华人论坛