标签:Relations - 英国华人论坛


Public Relations Strategy for Your Real Estate Bran

Every brand needs promotion time to time among peoples to aware them about the new launches, service, and products. The advertising is becoming the old tradition to promote and not that effective thing that anyone takes seriously. So, the mo...英国华人论坛


Safe Relations and Barrier protection: What Every M

Barrier protection isperhaps the most popular form of protection from partner-transmitted infectionsand unplanned pregnancy.  Evenstill, many men have questions about the necessity and proper usage of barrierprotection.  Learn moreabout...英国华人论坛


Why A Public Relations Firm Is Best To Handle Socia

Before delving into how a PR agent will manage a crisis when it strikes, one must understand how PR handles social media content that prevents a crisis from even occurring.PR Agencies Avert Crises A social media crisis is often an outcome of...英国华人论坛


Don’t let ED destroy your relationships

About Erectile Dysfunction Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common condition affecting all men at some point in their life. Prior to the launch of Viagra, there were a number of concerns and taboos surrounding the conditio...英国华人论坛


Public Relations Trends in 2012

Soon we will see a reemerging trend where public relations firms have reached all of the folks they possibly could on the social networks, but they will realize that they are still missing a good percentage of the population. Therefore they...英国华人论坛


Vital Tenets of Public Relations

Public Relations(PR) agencies create the image of a brand which is not an overnight job it requires time, resources, creativity and commitment. PR agencies decide the fate of a brand and their own fate rely on many endogenous factors, especi...英国华人论坛


Thomas Public Relations Selected as Agency of Recor

Photos:Karen Thomas, President Thomas PR:  http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/thomaspublicrelations.html Thomas PR Logos: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/thomasprlogo.htmlhttp://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/thomasprtlogo.htmlAlibre Log...英国华人论坛


Public Relations to Attract New Dental Patients

Your practice should have a plan for community initiatives. This means you should take some interest in your community events, and show support for the goings on in your target area. This ties your practice in with many people, and when it c...英国华人论坛


Which relations among Brand and Corporate?

Corporate and brand partially correspondThis is the case of Coca-cola. The Coca-cola Company corporate counts among its brandsnot just the Atlanta famous one, but many other drinks such as Fanta, Sprite,Minute Maid, Oasis… COCA COLACOMPANY ...英国华人论坛


What Is Public Relations?

"Public Relations" is now a recognized field of study, employment and specialization, which is used to help companies expand their customer bases through methods other than traditional advertising. Public relations, commonly referred to as P...英国华人论坛


Partner Relations Management: Definition and Advant

Business is getting more and more interconnected. These are partly the results of globalization and partly the results of the continuous development of new technologies. Since everything is getting more complex, why would businesses not be a...英国华人论坛


How To Build Trust In Your Relationship

This is going to sound like a cliché, and rightfully so, but trust is the cornerstone of every relationship. Without it, a relationship is full of misery and doomed to fail. With extramarital affairs, divorce and failed relationships becomi...英国华人论坛


Brake Repair And Its Relationship With Your Car's R

Rotors need brake repair when certain things alter its performance. These can be found in the braking system. They are the part on which the pads are pressed against when the driver wants the vehicle to come to a stop or slow down. They are...英国华人论坛


The Body of Public Relations

When broken down, public relations is really nothing more than aset of parts placed together to function as a whole, not unlike aliving body. Each of these components performs a specifiedfunction, so that when combined with the other parts,...英国华人论坛


What’s Your Dating and Relationship IQ?

by Kevin Skinner PhDwww.datingsmarts.com Intelligence comes in many forms. In spite of this, however, our society focuses almost exclusively on academic intelligence. Think about it. When is the last time someone said, “John has really high...英国华人论坛


Do Make Your Relations Lofty On This Valentine

Valentine’s Day is held every year on the date of 14th February and the day includes lots of activities that normally seen during the day. It is a time when everyone has great opportunities to express their inner feelings of love to special...英国华人论坛


Pros and Cons of Online Relationships

Modern technology hasn’t solved any of the problems of creating and preserving a good relationship. Computers and the internet have merely added a new wrinkle in old pattern of love and loss. With websites that specialize in matching people...英国华人论坛


Customer Relations on the up for Peugeot Dealers

Peugeot has set its network of dealers the challenge of being amongst the best of the people in the business to handle its own customers. This was definitely boosted by the fact that Peugeot has continued its strong 2010 sales performance in...英国华人论坛


Communicate in Relations, Live Or Networking

What a feeling to see a friend’s daughter have her first child!It’s like your own child. The closeness a child is bringing just with its presence.Then we get reminded off what life is all about. We wake up from a long sleep in the wound to...英国华人论坛


Public Relations — A Free Lunch?

By MARKETING PR I mean publicity that is directed towards your marketing target audience and carries marketing messages. (It's not the same as investor or employee relations.) Marketing PR can generate inquiries, economically extend the reac...英国华人论坛


Public Relations—A Free Lunch?

Seems like everyone is looking for the proverbial free lunch these days, particularly when it comes to marketing communications. Well, I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but there's no such thing. However, there are ways to stretch your budget...英国华人论坛


Live at The Marquee!

The relationship between performers and venues played is vital in establishing the reputation or, indeed, credibility of a given group or musician. Think of The Cotton Club and the Jazz greats like Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway and Louis Arms...英国华人论坛


Student-Teacher Relations

Studying process is not easy. Ask any student and the answer will be pretty much the same. It is not easy to cope with all the tasks and assignments given at the university on time, therefore there is no free time left. The absence of rest r...英国华人论坛


Making Long Distance Relationships Work

Making long distance relationships work. A certain mind set is required by those who wish to make a long distance relationship work. Both parties to the relationship have to be equally committed, and they have to be both trusting and trust w...英国华人论坛


Public Relations With Reputation Management

No company wants to be left behind when it comes to marketing and public relations. Everyone wants to be on the cover of magazines and to be talked about. But this becoming a public figure means only one thing and that is you become vulnerab...英国华人论坛


Public Relations and the Internet

Although the field of public relations is quite new, it is seen to be pivotal to many companies when coordinating advertising and marketing campaigns. Public relations, which is often defined as “The art or science of establishing and promo...英国华人论坛


Building an Opt-In List, Building Relationships

Any entrepreneur’s goal should be SUCCESS! If you aim for success, you must do everything within your means to achieve that. You just don’t go on sitting there in your house complaining about not getting as much profit as you expect. You h...英国华人论坛


Public Relations On The Internet

Without this, the business will completely miss out on a huge client base. However, maintaining the online wing of a business is hard work - just like any other aspect of a business. Marketing and PR, in fact, are even more difficult online...英国华人论坛


Jointly Beneficial Relations In Business Networking

Business networking events and functions are thought to be something of huge excitement and fun for those who are looking for new contacts. Business networking is referred to as a process through which people develop jointly beneficial relat...英国华人论坛


Real Estate Customer Relationships Perspective

It's recognized that a company's success is based not only on financial measures which, although important, are not indicative of customer, employee, or quality problems or opportunities. Besides costs and revenue, businesses looking for lon...英国华人论坛


First Step to Good Relations With Mexican Businesse

Formalities are a fundamental Mexican business practice. Unlike the U.S. where people begin calling each other by the first name, Mexicans have a more formal manner of addressing each other. During introductions, you should use the person's...英国华人论坛


Boost Your Public Relations with Radio Interviews

One of the funniest routines by comedian Bob Newhart was his schtick about a guy being interviewed for the first time on TV.Before the interview, the female host assures him that he'll get softball questions about how he helps people as a ps...英国华人论坛


Public Relations, a must in today Business World

You can have the best business in the world, but if you don’t tell people about it no-one will ever know.However familiar the product or service you are selling you still need to market your business with energy and great enthusiasm.Of cour...英国华人论坛


What is Public Relations

Public Relations includes a variety of tactics that strengthen your credibility, enhance your image, develop goodwill or influence public opinion. As The Public Relations Institute of Australia defines it – PR is a two-way communication bet...英国华人论坛


Panama's Foreign Relations

The country of Panama is in a strategic location between two continents. This location of the country has helped the country to grow in many ways. Panama property is one of the most sought after properties in the world. Also the Panama real...英国华人论坛


Improving Customer Relations And Building Customer

Improving Customer Relations And Building Customer Loyalty:With the technological advances in point of sale systems, we have the ability to work with one of the most valuable assets a retailer possesses: Customers.A customer is defined as “...英国华人论坛


How to Use Community Relations to Grow Your Busines

For instance:* Your business donates money to nonprofit organizations.* You or your employees volunteer at a fundraising event.* You or your employees volunteer for a nonprofit organization.* You or your employees join a service club.* You o...英国华人论坛


Debunking Public Relations - the terminology explai

Advertising   Paid for by a business to be submitted and publishedAdvertorial   Similar to advertising but it looks like a piece of editorialBills    The day's headlines on the board (or bill board) outside a newsagents   Brief...英国华人论坛


How to Hit the Public Relations Bullseye (t

So, what IS a public relations bullseye? The public relationsprofessional must modify somebody’s behavior if he or she isto hit that bullseye and earn a paycheck – everything else is a means to that end.Here’s why. In public relations, a...英国华人论坛


How Public Relations Can Help Your Business

Do you worry about certain behaviors among your most important audiences because those behaviors are crucial to achieving your organization’s objectives? If your answer isyes, you need public relations.The payoff? When those audiences do wh...英国华人论坛


A Winning Public Relations Game Plan for 2002

I have learned in my public relations work, especially fromleaders in the field, that there are only three ways a publicrelations effort can impact behavior: create opinion where it doesn’t exist, reinforce existing opinion or change that o...英国华人论坛


What Does the Public Relations Client REALLY Want,

It’s not unusual for clients of service providers to insist that their budget dollars be quickly applied to a variety of flashy tactics. Yet, when pressed, many acknowledge that what they REALLY want for their money is visible, end-game cha...英国华人论坛


Is Your Public Relations Investment Paying Off&

You’ll never know unless you set the right kind of goal at the beginning – a goal against which progress can be measured, and a goal that flows directly from public relations strategies and tactics like those discussed below. In my opinion...英国华人论坛


Public Relations' 8 Fix Factors

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1115 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly ©...英国华人论坛


Is Debt Destroying Your Relationships?

Likely, yes. Why is that? Well you fight more and the reasons are many. Lets talk about a few. It is likely one person in the house earns more money than the other. It is also more likely one spends more than the other. This situation can cr...英国华人论坛


Manufacturer’s Public Relations and Media Guide Au

Cutler founded the Manufacturing Media Consortium™ in the same year. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler...英国华人论坛


Manufacturing Public Relations Firm, TR Cutler, Inc

According to Cutler, “Manufacturing Associations have been seeking ways to drive additional revenue streams. Over the past few years membership revenue has decreased and service revenue has been one of the few ways in which these associatio...英国华人论坛


Manufacturing Public Relations Checklist key to TR

The following Checklist should be reviewed weekly to determine the events and circumstances that might merit Media Coverage.I. New or Updated Product InformationII. New Customer InformationIII. New Strategic Alliances/Partnership Information...英国华人论坛


Manufacturing Public Relations firm TR Cutler, Inc.

Cutler founded the Manufacturing Media Consortium™ in the same year. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler...英国华人论坛


Manufacturing Public Relations Firm to Launch Affin

- Cutler founded the Manufacturing Media Consortium™ in the same year. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutl...英国华人论坛