标签:Ethics - 英国华人论坛


The Ethics of a Plastic Surgeon

While sometimes a plastic surgeon performs reconstructive procedures, treats burn victims, and assists patients with functional issues, this isn't what most people think of when talking about the field. They think of breast implants, nose jo...英国华人论坛


Understanding The Work Ethics And Values Of The Loc

Plenty of people are seen entering into the practice of locum tenens, which in the modern concept of the word, is a replacement professional. The term is a Latin word for someone who replaces another person and carries out the same job as th...英国华人论坛


Simple steps: Ethics continuing education

Saving time and money may be at the top of your list when it comes to your ethics continuing education. There are a multitude of options out there these days to help you do both. More and more saving time is essential when approaching enroll...英国华人论坛


The Value Of Ethics When Related To Business

Business ethics is a branch of ethics (applied or professional) that focuses on ethical rules and principles from a commercial perspective. Business ethics is relevant to all aspects of business, individual conduct and organizational conduct...英国华人论坛


Is Corporate Ethics Beneficial To The Bottom Line?

This is a new world. A world where the common man or woman on the street has words like "Enron" and "Arthur Andersen" and "Worldcom" on the tip of their tongues. Yet will major corporate scandals have shaken the bedrock of America's trust in...英国华人论坛


The Ethics Of Ethnic Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure among people of an Asian descent. Many people, women especially, from countries such as China, Korea, and Taiwan, are born without a “double” eyelid, or the d...英国华人论坛


A code of ethics for consulting services

A client pays you for your service based on the trust they have on your advice. Ignoring ethical practices jeopardises both your clients and your business. If you deal with them with honesty they are bound to recommend you to other firms and...英国华人论坛


Computer Security: Computer Security Ethics and Pri

Today, many people rely on computers to do homework, work, and create or store useful information. Therefore, it is important for the information on the computer to be stored and kept properly. It is also extremely important for people on co...英国华人论坛


Do Online Business Ethics Exist?

In the world of online busines something has gone wrong. Something has gone badly wrong. In the pursuit of wealth and success business ethics have not so much fallen by the wayside as been torn up, stomped on and burned to ash. Where some lo...英国华人论坛


Ethics in Business - Please have some

Is your business ethical?What I mean is "Does your business do the right thing when faced with that decision?" It's a simple question, which many businesses struggle with. I just don't understand the struggle part?I have worked for companies...英国华人论坛


Computer Security Ethics and Privacy

Today, many people rely on computers to do homework, work, and create or store useful information. Therefore, it is important for the information on the computer to be stored and kept properly. It is also extremely important for people on co...英国华人论坛


Ethics: The Mind of a Child

Henry just arrived home from a long day at work. He is reading the newspaper in his favorite chair waiting for dinner to be served. The phone rings. Henry yells out at the kids and his wife, “If it is for me tell them I not home”. Julie, h...英国华人论坛


Ethics Continuing Education: Protecting Patients Fr

For professionals involved in the world of psychotherapy, ethics continuing education is vital to a thriving practice. Forgetting the codes that every therapist must adhere to is simply not an option for anyone who wants to continue to grow...英国华人论坛


Ethics: Continuing Education For Professional Succe

In psychology, ethics continuing education is about more than simply keeping up with the state’s requirements. It means following the latest trends in research and making sure that you are on the right side of any debate about the subject....英国华人论坛


Impact of Ethics on Corporate Strategy

Organizations with substantial integrity projects have found that these endeavors can do several things, like:Lessen potential excessive fines,Diminish powerlessness,Enhance notoriety, give access to capital,Positively impact their primary c...英国华人论坛


Work attitude ethics for progress

January, 12, 2004This "fruit for thought" article is for all human beings, who somehow find themselves in the role of breadwinner and striving to improve their living standards.© This article may be re-published only in ezines, magazines, n...英国华人论坛


Professional Ethics

Having graduated from the university you are waiting impatiently when the time to apply your knowledge into practice comes. Your ambitious dream to make a great career and make a fortune is coming true. You are invited to work with professio...英国华人论坛


Corporate Ethics - Ensuring Business Stability

For businesses to reach financial stability, good morale and client satisfaction, corporate ethics must be a guiding policy for all involved.Have you ever heard of the old saying “with friends like that, who needs enemies”? That is just th...英国华人论坛


Ethics in Advertising

The general value of the Internet advertisement is greatly valued, for instance, hundreds of billions of dollars in 2002. Nevertheless it remains vague if figures show real online trade or just sales, which contain sending an email message o...英国华人论坛


Understanding ethics in the application of permacul

The permaculture is a thinking tool that helps in designing systems which are highly productive and yet produce less carbon. However their impact could be very pervasive! It can lead not only to ecologically balanced life style, but also tra...英国华人论坛


Ethics - Can They Create Success?

Sometimes, the media gives us the impression that the only way to get ahead is at the expense of someone else. Those at the top aren't any better than we are; the only difference is, they're willing to do more terrible things to get there. S...英国华人论坛


Past To Present Work Ethics

If only Thomas Edison back then, had all the knowledge of the internet at his disposal-what then? Would he of become the webs biggest marketing Guru? Just imagine all the e-books that man could of sold! Do you have to be an incredibly smart...英国华人论坛


File Sharing Ethics

Some of these lawsuits have even reached the United States Supreme Court. Today we’re going to be looking at both sides of the coin, the case for file sharing and the case against file sharing. You may decide yourself which argument you’re...英国华人论坛


Ethics, Sacrifice, and The Warrior's Heart

Of course, there are those who call themselves warriors, and certainly live up to common perception and simplified definition of the term which implies "engaging in war, or conflict." But, the true warrior sees beyond their own ego-centric s...英国华人论坛


请问有business law,business ethics的代考吗?



Why Business Ethics Are Important?

Before we seek to find out some of the business ethics that business people should embrace, it is needful to first understand what the word 'ethics' refers to.Ethics are a set of moral principles which are recognized in respect to a particul...英国华人论坛


Lockpicking Ethics From Industry Professionals

Locksmithing has a code of ethics that goes back centuriesThe First Rule Of Ethical LockpickingThis may sound obvious, but lock picking should never be used for thievery and destruction. Of course, no locksmith in his or her right mind would...英国华人论坛


Ringmaster Ethics

Believe it or not, being a ringmaster is a very demanding, timeconsuming task (when done properly). Many ringmasters just create theirrings and put them on autopilot, thinking (incorrectly) that their mainor only purpose is to generate traff...英国华人论坛


Business Ethics and Unethical Practices

... however companies are still criticized for their unethical practices at different levels (Papers4you.com, 2006). Business ethics, according to the literature has been entrenched with the philosophical details of Ethics (Trevino Nelson, 1...英国华人论坛


Ethics and Consequences: Lessons from Prison – Oc

Competent, educated and in prison – I would never have considered that this is where I would be some 11 years ago. But, there are consequences to every choice we make and though one might think that we can avoid the consequences – we can’...英国华人论坛


Business Ethics

Companies these days are more concerned about ethics attached to their publicity, and among their shareholders and future investors. All around the globe, one can see that investment now seems to be more sensitive towards fair dealing and co...英国华人论坛


New Ethics Rules Mean Some CEOs Will Be Hunting for

Established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the PCAOB is charged with establishing rules for—among other things—auditing, quality control, ethics, and independence. In April of this year the PCAOB issued a set of seven rules for auditors of pub...英国华人论坛


Entrepreneurship With Ethics

This is because it is well recognised that ethics are the free market's life line. Many economists are beginning to realise this. Indeed, it is entrepreneurial activity that makes the best sense of profit - another vital part of capitalism....英国华人论坛


Putting Ethics Before Business

Thisleads to the development of a schizophrenic professional personality, with themanager striving for professional excellence and high ethical standards for hisown self, but resorting to unethical practices to achieve business success forhi...英国华人论坛


Business Ethics: Managing Your Relationship With Co

As a business, your competitors are just that: competitors. However, the way you treat your competitors may affect how your customers and the media perceive your business, your ethics, and your friendliness. For those reasons, and more, it’...英国华人论坛


Ethics & Rolfing Texas

RolfingEthics is defined as being a set of principles of right conduct, and as aRolfer the therapeutic relationship necessitates this structure as much as itis defined by it. Les Kertay, Advanced Rolfer, defines ethics as the principlesof a...英国华人论坛


Ethics? How To Take the Measure Business

When asked to write a small piece pertaining to ethicsand integrity in the business world, my first inclinationwas to draw on personal experience. Everyone has bad experiences to relate. We deal witha business, determine that we were treated...英国华人论坛


Ethics - Benefit & Reward

Ethics - in a profession or trade - is that branchof philosophy which studies the principles of rightand wrong in human conduct.Is your business ethical?What I mean is "Does your business do the rightthing when faced with that decision?" It'...英国华人论坛


Ethics in Business..A Lost Art

While watching Face the Nation one Sunday earlier this year, Bob Schiffer discussed the airline industry, his mother and ethics in business. Like Bob, I think it is a sad commentary today, that we have to police businesses. Whatever happened...英国华人论坛


Ethics in Speaking: A Practical Point of V

Often managers have to deliver presentations with unpleasant content. The vice president has to announce that there is a hiring freeze or a downsizing. The human resource director speaks to the employees about a benefits package with fewer b...英国华人论坛


Ethics in the Workplace

Workplace Ethics is a subject that we have all heard of. In fact, the subject of Ethics in general is something that most people are familiar with. And, what is commonly understood about ethics is there are ethics and then there are workplac...英国华人论坛


Wardriving Ethics

War-DrivingBackground InformationIn order to start to understand what War-Driving is, some information needs to be explained. Wireless networking is a fairly new technology which is being used all over the world. Both home users and business...英国华人论坛