标签:unmarried - 英国华人论坛


英国unmarried partner visa

求教各位大神一个问题,我比来在请求family route里的unmarried partner visa. 一切资料和表格曾经填好,然而在交纳IHS费用的时分,IIHS网站显示我的visa type是married,并且就是FLR(M)。我想请...英国华人论坛



RT,正要提供資料有點不理解~ 證明兩年以上同居紀錄,究竟要多少資料??? [marq=left]謝謝大家幫忙! [/marq] 回帖 我也想知道。。。。 回帖 決定找律師幫忙了,看來這方面的信息不太...英国华人论坛



请问大家,用unmarried partnership请求上去的PR,能够入籍吗?由于我看到spouse based的PR 都要提供结婚证。但我和bf没有结婚,这样怎莫弄啊? 回帖 能够啊。拿PR一年当前就能了。 当你和...英国华人论坛


5月27日 unmarried partner 寄签顺利经过.教训

办签证先后用了不到一个月.算是神速了吧. 感激以前得多妹妹的教训分享,给了我不少帮忙. 所以当初本人顺利签过,也特意下去吼一声. 假如想要寄签的妹妹能够看看我的帖子.但愿会有帮...英国华人论坛


about unmarried partner visa question

一个简略的问题:unmarried partner visa的一方一定要是持有英国护照或者是永居的吗?两个都是中国护照能够吗? 回帖 都是先生的话,一方做另外一方陪读,是工签的话,陪工签咯。不外...英国华人论坛


Unmarried Parents and Child Custody Issues

The primary question is who gets custody of the child if the couple is never married?Ordinarily, unmarried fathers will fight for contact and child custody visitation rights to their children. Unmarried mothers problems most often focus arou...英国华人论坛


Unmarried couples could defend their relationships.

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to dictate who you would like to make decisions on your behalf. While there are many useful purposes for a power of attorney, they are especially important to unmarried couples, which l...英国华人论坛


Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples – Part Three

For unmarried couples with very large estates, fully utilizing the $13,000 annual gift tax exclusion and $1 million gift tax exemption may not be enough to significantly reduce the overall estate tax. Gifts in excess of the $1 million gift t...英国华人论坛


Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples – Part Two

Like everyone else, unmarried couples having taxable estates will need more than a Will or Revocable Living Trust to reduce the federal estate tax. They will also need to implement a gifting program. While there is a present lapse in the est...英国华人论坛


Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples – Part One

Although unmarried couples clearly face challenges that married couples do not, most are challenges that can be overcome with planning. However, because many of the issues discussed in this article are state-specific, it is important that un...英国华人论坛


unmarried partner面签过程

因为工作的关系,我和我BF其实在一起的2年里有差不多大半年是不住在一起的, 再加上他妈妈把他几乎所有的Bill都扔掉了, 所以让我们开始准备的时候的确是难过了很久...只有让Bank, 电话...英国华人论坛