英国华人论坛 追求商业协作火伴~商业点子好,有具体商业方案


What is this business all about ?
Im already running a marketing company called “MixoBiz “ (google it), however, after dealing with many businesses and running 1000s of marketing campaigns, I have come through an amazing new business opportunity to create an online Chinese empire for Chinese students and business owners in the UK, this business will include the following:

A Chinese roo妹妹ate and housemate listing directory website and mobile app (similar to zoopla) (so students can search to find roo妹妹ates or housemates or any kind of property)A Chinese Radio with a mobile app ( it will be a music radio so there will be just music and advertisements )A Chinese online TV with a mobile app ( we will collect all interesting videos and put them in different categories on our online TV )A Chinese online magazine ( articles will be written by volunteer students )A Chinese business directory website and mobile app ( so all Chinese business owners will list their business for others to search and find them)A Chinese Coupon website and mobile app (so all Chinese business owners can put their offers on the site and people will come to search for interesting offers)A Chinese classified website and mobile app ( so students can put all their second hand items for sale )A Chinese job site and mobile app (businesses will post jobs and students will everyday come to search for new opportunities )A Chinese social media website and chatroom for friendship and dating with a mobile app

What we can earn in this business
This business will have 9 sections that each of them can generate income:

with the housemate and property site we will earn co妹妹issions from agents and landlords who will list their property on our site (rooms will have £100 co妹妹ission and flats will have £500+ comissions )Our Chinese radio, online TV , magazine, and business directory , will attract Chinese and other business owners to advertise with us, we will have several advertising packages which will start from £500 to £3000 a month to advertise on our radio, TV , business directory and magazine or even bigger packages to advertise on all our websitesour coupon site, job site, classified site and dating site will also have advertisements from business owners and also from google which will generate extra income.

Why I am looking for a partner ?
I need a business minded partner who can speak Chinese to take part in this business, and i will train him/her to manage the business, I am already very busy with my own business, so doing this alone will not be easily possible and partnership is the best option for me

Who am I’m looking for?
•You do not need to have any technical skills because I will build everything mentioned above, you will just take care of the day to day life of the business
•I am looking for a business minded, honest person who is willing spend 15 hours a week or more on this business.
•You can be anywhere in the UK or even outside the UK, the location doesn’t matter because it is all based online
•I am also considering students to be my partner, don’t worry if you are on a student visa you can still join this partnership and work part time, even after finishing your studies, if you go back to china you can still manage the business from there.
About me:
My name is Ehsan Zarei im I already running a marketing company called “MixoBiz” you can search it on google, facebook, twitter, google plus etc, i am also author of several marketing books (search google or amazon for “small business marketing by Ehsan Zarei” to find out )
I have created a lot of marketing campaigns for many companies and I know very well how to get this business up and running and drive traffic to it.

How this partnership will work?
•I will build everything mentioned above
•I will provide all training on how to manage the business
•I will provide all marketing training
•You will take care of the day to day life of the business, providing customer services, managing sales and convincing businesses to advertise with us
•All profits will be equally shared between partners and we will have a partnership agreement

So don’t be shy call me or email me, lets chat, talk, and get to know each other to see if we can work together, even if we can’t , don’t worry we can still be friends and learn from each other.
If you are in Birmingham you can come to my office to have a coffee together and know each other more if outside Birmingham don’t worry, just contact me we can talk or video call to get to know each other more.

Mob: 07 466132324
Phone: 0333 5777 075
Fax : 0十二1 439 3479

Ehsan Zarei
1st Address:
10A Hampton house
Great Hampton Street
Jewellery Quarter
B18 6AQ

2nd address:
DMA4U Ltd.
1st Floor,
47 Vyse Street
Jewellery Quarter
B18 6HF








此外, facebook一万六千多likes,home page万马齐喑,买那末多有意义的likes无意思么;P







这样的网站模块都是现成的,几千国际大把人做,我要是business minded person我何苦要跟你协作呢?







从中国进口请分割我 广州金海国内货运,我司本着以顾客为本、受人所托、用心为之的办事理念,诚信运营国内快递 代理DHL FEDEX UPS TNT EMS 。 公司地址 广东省广州市白云区黄石东路江夏北三路20号首层102 邮编510000 分割人:黄学生 分割电话 13632390941 分割QQ:2087699708 微信号:fk-1509 欢送泛博新老顾客复电征询,我司将真挚为您办事。


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