英国华人论坛 威尔士



威尔士 - 中国节/ Gwyl Cymru - Tseina



“歹徒与儿子”全球首演,郝景芳(折扣北京雨果奖2016年度优胜者)耸人听闻的新剧“罕见的机会看到威尔士民间乐队Gentle Good表演与传统中国音乐家从他们的专辑“不朽的吟游诗人关于诗人李白的生活新安装平台威尔士华人社区和班戈大学在北威尔士的中国学生中国电影在庞蒂奥的艺术电影(长短片都会有)家庭工艺坊,以及更多阅读和活动


Wales - China Festival / Gwyl Cymru - Tseina
16-18 February 2018

Celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Dog at Pontio Arts Centre in Bangor, North Wales as we explore the creative connection between Wales and China, through cutting-edge art and culture! Join us for a weekend of eclectic performances, films, and family-friendly activities, showcasing the cultures, languages, and art of Wales and China. The first of its kind in Wales, this multi-lingual festival is an unprecedented platform for British East Asian stories and collaborations between Welsh and Chinese musicians, playwrights, and artists.

The festival will be free to attend (with some events at a reduced ticket price) and will include:

World premiere of Outlaws and Son, a sensational new play by Hao Jingfang (winner of Hugo Award 2016 for Folding Beijing)Rare opportunity to see Welsh folk band The Gentle Good perform with traditional Chinese musicians from their album The Immortal Bard about the life of poet Li BaiNew sound installation platforming Welsh-Chinese community and Bangor University’s Chinese students in North WalesChinese films at Pontio’s state of the art cinema (feature length and short films)Craft workshops for families, and many more readings and events

Please comment below if this is something you would like to see happen in Wales.
Tell us what you would like to see and why you think this festival is exciting.
Share the importance of sharing culture, language, art, and ideas!

Gŵyl Cymru – Tsieina
16 – 18 Chwefror 2018

Dewch i ddathlu Blwyddyn y Ci yn Pontio, Bangor wrth i ni archwilio’r cysylltiad creadigol sydd rhwng Cymru a Tsieina drwy gyfrwng celf a diwylliant arloesol! Ymunwch â ni am benwythnos o arddangos diwylliant, iaith a chelf Cymru a Tsieina drwy gyfrwng dewis eclectig o berfformiadau, ffilmiau a gweithgareddau sy’n addas i’r teulu. Yr ŵyl amlieithog hon yw’r cyntaf o’i math yng Nghymru ac mae’n cynnig cyfle na welwyd ei debyg o’r blaen i lwyfannu straeon a chydweithrediadau rhwng cerddorion, artistiaid a dramodwyr o Gymru a Tsieina.

Bydd yr ŵyl hon yn rhad ac am ddim (gyda rhai digwyddiadau am bris gostyngol) ac mae’n cynnwys:

Y perfformiad cyntaf o Outlaws and Son, sioe wefreiddiol newydd gan Hao Jingfang (enillydd Gwobr Hugo 2016 am Folding Beijing)Cyfle prin i weld band gwerin o Gymru, The Gentle Good, yn perfformio gyda cherddorion gwerin o Tsieina oddi ar eu halbwm The Immortal Bard am fywyd y bardd Li Bai.Gosodiad sain newydd sy’n rhoi llwyfan i gymuned Tsieineaidd Cymru a myfyrwyr Tsieineaidd Prifysgol BangorFfilmiau Tsieineaidd yn sinema Pontio (ffilmiau hyd llawn a ffilmiau byrion)Gweithdai crefft i deuluoedd, a llawer mwy o ddarlleniadau a digwyddiadau

Rhowch sylwadau isod os yw’r digwyddiad yma’n rhywbeth yr hoffwch ei weld yng Nghymru.
Dywedwch wrthym beth hoffech chi ei weld a pham eich bod yn meddwl bod yr ŵyl hon yn gyffrous.
Lledaenwch bwysigrwydd rhannu diwylliant, iaith, celf a syniadau.


I am really looking forward to this great event! The cultural exchange between china and wales will be fantastic! I want to see the lion dance again! Cindy


im so excite!and i hope this great event will be successfully held!


It is really great!Hope to see more activities like thisIt is really great performance last year,hope can see it again~Qian


Oh~It’s amazing! I really hope to have more activities here. Thankful for that.


That sounds good, I am looking forward to this activity. Meanwhile, in my perspective, it is benefit for local people to know and enjoy other countries cultures. One world,one dream! Stephen


I like to watch Chinese films ! Expecially Chinese dragon dance ! I hope there will more culture activities


Thanks for the organizers providing such a wonderful event! Really looking forward to it! Zechen


I like to watch Chinese films ! Expecially Chinese dragon dance ! I hope there will more culture activities


This activity is gorgeous and influential. Thanks for the sponsors’ great effort and best wishes for the festival!


The cultural exchange between china and wales will be fantastic! I want to see the Chinese films and Wales traditional dance. YU


After conversing with some local people in Wales, I began to understand how unique the Welsh language and culture are. There are many sounds that I have never heard of in the Welsh language and which are also absent in many languages I know of. I am eager to learn the Welsh language and culture and I am sure that the local young people in Wales will be enchanted by the beauty of the Chinese language and culture. This event provides a great platform for the people from both sides to communicate. I wish the event a complete success! PS, I am thrilled to meet Ms Hao Jingfang, the talented young female writer of China!


Fantastic ! Looking forward to Chinese films, music, dance, arts and crafts, to celebrate Chinese New Year in North Wales with Welsh friends! Can’t wait!


As a mandarin teacher in 2015, i attended numerous cultural activities, and in the end i saw the importance of cultural exchanging between different nations. This event will be an outstanding one if it is successfully held. At least, it proves that the engagement of Bangor Confucius Institute has been widely appreciated by the local people,parties and even authorities. Do make it ,try our best!


It is really a good activity for us ,hopefully I could take part in this activity! looking forward to it!


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