A good friend of mine has posted this to my Facebook page today:
“I don’t know why you keep posting this stuff. It’s done now. Whatever the outcome, you just gotta accept it and get on with it. You can either be against this country making good on its current situation, so you can say “I told you so” or embrace the change and help to make it a better place. All this negativity is just stressing you out and getting you nowhere. It’s done mate. Any political party who renegs on what the majority have voted for, is just suicidal. If the shoe was on the other foot, you’d be saying exactly the same to me. Live and let live.”
This was my response.
"It’s not done now, which is why I keep posting this stuff.
Brexit does not have to happen. The Referendum has no constitutional meaning. It is the equivalent of saying to the country “Okay, hands up who thinks this?”.
The U.K. cannot leave the EU by invoking Article 50 until there has been due process through Parliament. Parliament must enact a law. MPs vote on whether to enact that law. Most MPs voted to remain. It is so ‘not done now’.
Many Brexiters feel remorse. Now the lies are catching up with the Brexit leaders. Now it is clear that there was no post Brexit plan. £350 million a week is not going to now go to the NHS.
The Sun Newspaper, famously pro Brexit, is now saying the following to it’s readers:
Inflation is likely to riseThe cost of an average family holiday will riseAccommodation abroad will cost moreBeer prices will go upEU caps on international calls will no longer apply, so it’ll cost much more to make calls in EuropeUnemployment will rise and wages will fall by up to four per centMortgages prices will riseRates of taxation will increaseBenefit payments may be slashedSince 52% of the voting public did not want to listen to ‘experts’ (when have experts ever known anything), maybe they’re willing to listen to the Sun Newspaper?
Kelvin McKenzie, of the Sun Newspaper is now of the view that if he had the chance again, he would vote to Remain.
If the shoe was on the other foot, Farage and Boris Trump and Gove and the other Brexiters would most certainly not be leaving it alone because ‘it is done now’.
It is most certainly not done. The Referendum never had force. The Brexit claims were ALL utterly false and full of despicable lies. And I tried to tell you, and others."
I would encourage you all to keep anything you post or say to anyone who is a Brexiter to be accurate and positive with your response. Reason can prevail.
good point. Get on with it, or fxxk off to the USA. I’d prefer the latter…
get on with it 不光是对remain, 对Brexit们同样适用。
done is done。 可惜的是, 竟然不少支持leave的人忽然觉得强大无比,开始出现racism hate behaviour。 更应该告诉他们, get a life and carry, 让poliitician们去完成接下来的任务, 而不是对站在街上,bus上对移民吼叫。
Banana2006你别看大盘指数 只会误导你 你看个股 现在涨回来只是因为国际公司 比如BP Shall这些 涨回来(因为对他们没影响,而且revenue in dollar) 但凡是和local business相关的 比如民航业easyjet 比如银行barclays 都没有涨回来。uk两年recession已经是定论 可能更长
Banana2006 股指是会迷惑人的 应该看个股
首先 如果这些对经济没影响 那英镑跌多少 ftse 就应该涨多少 但现在为止 不是这样 也就是拿美元计算 英国大盘是跌的
其次看个股 大盘之所以涨回些大部分是因为很多国际公司的股票(revenue in dollar and from overseas对他们没影响)比如BP Shall, 但大多数营收在英国的 都跌了以后涨不回来了 比如easyjet greggs Barclays。说到底只是FX effect
英国两年的衰退已成定论 可能更长 不要幻想了 也绝不是专家危言耸听