Accounting rules unravel the mysteries of Britain’s economy
Anyone who relishes the sound of economists eating their words is in for a treat this September. When the UK adopts the new international standards for national income accounting, three almost universally held “truths” about Britain’s economy will wither or die. If you want to avoid egg on the face come September 30, it is time to start mugging up on the likely effects of the new rules.
Some of the changes have been flagged for years. The level of UK gross domestic product will rise because statisticians will count research and development, the manufacture of weapons systems and some other intangibles as investment in future prosperity rather than a current cost to business.
The Office for National Statistics has already said UK GDP levels will rise significantly, between 2.5 per cent and 5 per cent. Last year the US added 3.5 per cent to its GDP when introducing the same reforms.
If that was it, the effect on Britain’s self-image would be small. But there is another, much more important change, which will affect the way statisticians account for some defined benefit pension schemes. They are moving from cash to accruals accounting principles for funded schemes.
The sentence is enough to put almost everyone off, but the effect is profound. The new standards will destroy three pieces of conventional wisdom about the British economy: households do not save, companies sit on huge piles of cash and household incomes have stopped rising in line with GDP.
In future, instead of counting the money employers put into their pension funds as household income, the figures will reflect the contractual promises companies have made. With UK final salary pensions heavily underfunded, the promises are much bigger than the contributions already made so household income will rise and corporate and local authority incomes will fall.
The effect is huge because Britain still has a substantial funded pension system. While the change last year added just 1.5 percentage points to the US savings ratio, the Office for National Statistics says it will double Britain’s measure of household savings from about 5.5 per cent of disposable income to about 11 per cent. British households will ditch their reputation for profligacy overnight.
Correspondingly, the measured savings of the corporate sector will decline – as will those of local authorities, which also run funded final salary pension schemes. Since incomes will appear higher, much of the puzzle over why households did not appear to benefit from recent rises in GDP will disappear.
An important question is whether the changes in pension accounting are reasonable. We should ask whether the new way of measuring GDP is better at measuring the productive performance of an economy.
I have little doubt that it is far better – despite legitimate concern that pension promises are more difficult to measure than cash payments into pension funds. If companies make legally binding pension promises today, that is the same as paying their staff more money and forcing them to save it for the future.
The new measures also accord better with reality. Britons could afford to get by with lower household savings (as measured by the old rules) because many employees were building up very generous pension rights. Companies were not investing their cash piles in new buildings or machinery because they feared they would need the money to meet the pension promises they have made. They also economised on current pay because these pension promises were so expensive.
Indeed, there is a strong argument that central government’s unfunded final salary pensions should receive the same treatment in national accounts, something that would make the UK’s public finances look even uglier than they already do.
So, Britain is a nation of savers. Or at least it was. The death of the final salary pension in the private sector means that the young and newer employees are almost certainly not saving adequately. Part of the profligacy picture therefore lives on.
But the new accounting standards will show, correctly, that it is a generational and distributional issue, not a national one.
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United Kingdom,
Office for National Statistics UK
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相应地,企业部门的储蓄测将下降 - 如将那些地方当局,这也跑资金最终薪金退休金计划。由于收入将出现走高,很多难题了,为什么家庭似乎没有从最近的上涨中受益的GDP将消失。
我毫不怀疑,这是更好的 - 尽管正当关切养老金承诺更加困难比现金付款到养老基金来衡量。企业如果把今天具有法律约束力的养老金承诺,那就是一样支付员工更多的钱,并迫使他们保存它的未来。
What is your point? This is nothing to do with how the Tories interpret the economic figures…
First, the adoption of international standard is decided by the international community, including OECD and Eurostat. As a national statistics office, ONS adopts this new standard to catch up with international compatibility. This decision is independent to what the UK government and ruling party think.
Second, ONS has decided to adopt new rule at the end of September. We haven’t reached the beginning of September yet. The figures being published and used in public debates are still in line with the old standard.
Third, it is a common sense in economics that aggregated data may behave differently from dis-aggregated data. What Tories have told you is aggregate economic figure that is more familiar to everyone. I don’t think they are trying to cook a misleading dataset to fool people at this point.
Tory party is a political party. To keep itself in position or to maintain the policy consistency and stability, it has to do something to attract voters. Labour would do the same if it’s in position. No one likes political parties completely. But sometimes, you got to choose. The fact is that Labour is a party for boom, but Tory is a party for crisis. YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT, BUT YOU NEED IT.
A continuous GDP growth may not be a sufficient condition for the welfare improvement, but it is necessary. If it is R&D and technology driven, the economic growth is sustainable. On the other hand, if it is driven by a pure monetary expansion, the economic growth is temporary, and normally comes with inflation risks; the welfare improvement is uncertain.
The current situation is that the UK total GDP has rebounded, but the UK per capita GDP hasn’t. It is normal when the economy has just recovered from a severe crisis. What would you expect when you are just out of a trauma? The wage growth is still lower than the inflation growth, but the CPI inflation is fairly stable. I think Tory did a fairly good job getting UK out of the crisis.
Yes. There is austerity going on. There are policies that might harm some people’s benefits. But a well-controlled austerity and policy reform are necessary! UK cannot carry on to squander like the Labour was in charge! I am not sure if you are really studying/or studied economics. Economists like crises. It is a chance we should not waste, a good time for reform! If Tory can use it to get rid of unnecessary benefits, ease tax payers’ burden, and spend the money in the right place, that is an achievement! People in the UK should wake up and recognise that they cannot take things as granted. Although there are policies that I am not agreeing with, but at least Tory is taking the right direction.
My last point, behave like an economist if you like to be an economist. Throwing swear words at each other is not what an economist would do… not even a politician.