大家应该都多多少少都听过关于 “人在纽约”(Humans in New York )的故事,一位美国的80后摄影师布兰登(Branton),用了三年多时间每天上街拉着陌生人拍照,并记录下他们质朴的生活自述。这里面有青春,有梦想,有现实,有无奈,布兰登用镜头告诉你,在浮华背后,那些纽约客们不为人知却触人心弦的故事。
在同样繁华的大都市伦敦,两名22岁的年轻人(Tom and Safa)受到布兰登的启发,也开始走上伦敦街头,通过镜头记录在这座古老而又现代的大都市中,来自于世界不同角落,不同年龄阶层、不同肤色,不同文化背景的人与他们自己的故事 。
“What’s your favourite thing about her?”
“She’s a geek. She codes, reads a lot and likes all sorts of music and that’s not what I was like when I was younger. I was one of the lads when I was growing up; I behaved like everyone else in my group of friends so I could fit in. Whereas she’s an individual and is not afraid to be herself, things which I wasn’t.”
“她是个技术宅,她写代码,读很多书并且喜欢我小时候不会喜欢的各种各样的音乐。我年轻时, 我只是众多小伙子中的一个,表现得和别人没有什么的不一样,以便更好地融入群体。然而她不同,她表现得与众不同并且并不害怕她自己一个人,我不是这样的。”
“What advice would you give to any future mothers?”
“Never wear white tops, they will get grubby every time!”
“We’ve been together for 58 years.”
“What’s your favourite thing about your wife?”
“She’s always been so caring. I ruptured my tendon 2 months ago and she’s looking after me. She does the shopping, takes care of the house and takes the dog for walks. I wanted to join her at the park today but I can’t walk for very long so I’m taking a rest. She’s waiting with me.”
“My mother was a real disciplinarian like you wouldn’t believe. If I messed around, she’d pull out her knife at me. It was scary but taught me to never be afraid of nothing. When I came to England in the 60s I visited Sotheby’s and Christie’s to learn the antique trade. People used to look at me and think ‘What the fuck is that nigger doing here?’ but I wasn’t afraid of them - I grew up having a knife poked in me face.”
“Last year I got very depressed at the thought of not having kids. Now I just try to enjoy each day and hope that people remember that lady they saw busking outside the park.”
“I was born in Manila, 80 years ago. I have 26 grand children and I will tell you important things I know. Number one, you must love people from all religions. Number two, you must never forget the poor people of the world. I am a poor woman, but I am rich in here [her heart].”
“I came out of jail two weeks ago for possession with intent to supply heroin.”
“What would you tell someone about jail?”
“Don’t go there. You don’t want to be there. Whatever you think, the outside world just stops. You’re an animal in a cage. I’m never going back there man, there are other ways to make money.”
“I came to this park as a child. When I became an adult, alcohol consumed me and I forgot about the simple pleasures of life. Too much alcohol and not enough looking after myself is what led to me having my legs amputated 7 years ago. Coming to terms with losing my legs was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through – but it’s what I needed to find myself again.
Since the amputation, I’ve been coming here near enough everyday. Through spending time here I’ve managed to find peace, and in the process kick the drink. The squirrels are so used to me that they come up and see me whenever I’m here - I’m part of the furniture now. This one’s pregnant, she’s bigger every time I see her.”
“What’s your biggest challenge?”
“It’s me fucking Irish accent! Everywhere I go, people think I’m faking it and they’re like ‘stop it, stop it!’. They look at me and expect me to be a black man from London but I was born and bred in Dublin. They think that black people don’t exist in Ireland.”
“This has been my parish for 25 years, during which tortures like the email and mobile phones have been invented. I’ve had to trust God to prioritise my time.
People email me and want a reply on the same day; if I don’t, they get annoyed. But I don’t own a mobile phone or any new technology which means that I have to log on to a computer to read my emails. People find that unusual.”
“I’m very sorry, I have to get these in the post or I’ll miss…actually, ofcourse, please do take my photo!
Two months ago my sister died. It was a complete shock to me, she’s younger than me and always been very healthy. She started bleeding internally and entered a coma. Three days later her husband made the difficult decision to switch off life support. I’ve never felt so much sadness in my life before. I’m still struggling with it now.
Always tell someone you love them, always show them how much you care, go that extra mile to make someone happy. You don’t know what is around the corner. I was supposed to post these letters, I will have missed the pick up time now, but that doesn’t matter, there’s always tomorrow. These sorts of things can always wait. But this – a warm conversation with another person – that can never wait, that is what life is all about.”