英国华人论坛 英语话英国 Tate Modern - 泰特现代


A gallery big enough for everyone
Andrea: Tate Modern is Britain’s national museum of modern art.
Jean: 自从泰特现代美术馆在2000年建馆以来,已经有4百万游客到这里游览观赏。

Andrea: Today we get artistic in London, as we explore this fascinating museum. Hello, I’m Andrea Rose.

Jean: 大家好,我是董征。在我们今天BBC Learning English节目当中我们的热点话题就是伦敦的一家废旧发电厂是如何变成了著名的泰特现代美术馆- Tate Modern.

Andrea: Did you say a power station?

Jean: 没错。Tate Modern泰特现代美术馆是泰晤士河畔一家破旧发电厂的厂房改建的。

Andrea: Now, of course, there are huge pieces of art there instead.

Jean: 让我们听听来这里参观的游客的感想。

Insert 1

Man: What strikes me most about the museum is its monumental achievement. The scale, the spaces that I think enable the collection to come alive.

Woman 1: Well, I think it is fantastically exciting. It is a most exciting space to be in. I would sum it up by saying it is very much a gallery of its time and it’s dealing very much with the issues of now, nothing to do with what museums used to be yesterday.

Woman 2: I like the feeling that you’re not squeezed. In so many museums I feel squeezed – my elbows clinking into things. Here I could dance. I love dancing and I’ve always wanted to dance in a museum and I think this would be an ideal place to dance.

Andrea: All these people are really impressed by Tate Modern.

Jean: 第一位的那位男士用到了一个短语 - to strike me most. 最触动我的。What strikes him most is the size of the space in the museum.

Andrea: He thinks it’s a monumental achievement. The gallery is a huge achievement and success.

Jean: 还有一位女士说这是一所极具时代感的美术馆。A gallery of its time. 既现代又富动感。

Andrea: The final woman says that most times she feels squeezed in or squashed when she goes to museums. But in Tate Modern, it’s so airy and big – she feels like dancing.

BBC Learning English

Insert 2

I love the metaphor of the power station. Almost like a luxury, replacing something like power - the sheer volume of space that you can fly an aeroplane through, and for the public to be able to come into it for free as well. So it’s a free public space.

Andrea: This woman explains how she thinks that Tate Modern is a metaphor.

Jean: A metaphor. 一个隐喻比喻。她说现在在美术馆里的美术作品等于取代了以前发电厂的熊熊动力。

Andrea: She talks about the sheer volume of space. It’s just huge, you could almost fly an aeroplane in it.

Jean: 我完全同意他的感觉 – 我第一次走进泰特现代美术馆的时候也是完全不敢相信这里面的空间如此之大。

Andrea: But the other thing that’s wonderful about it is that it's a free public space. It is free for all visitors. You don’t pay to go in.

Jean: Picasso毕加索, Matisse马蒂斯, Dali达利 – 这些艺术巨匠的珍品都在Tate Modern共大家尽情欣赏.

Andrea: But for Jacques Hertzog, the architect of the museum – this is not just an art gallery.

Jean: 下面我们听到的就是博物馆的建筑设计师 – the architect – 给我们讲解为什么泰特现代美术馆是如此重要的伦敦建筑景点。

Insert 3

A museum is not just a museum. It is many things. It is a place for people. That’s the most important thing. It should be a lively place and should be a place where people can find inspiration for their daily life. It should be a place for art, it should be a place for people just to meet other people. It should also be a place where a city finds some identity.

Jean: 他说Tate Modern不光是一座博物馆,也是一个为不同人群提供的独特场所。

Andrea: It’s lively and a place to find inspiration for one’s daily life.

Jean: To find inspiration for one’s daily life. 为人们的日常生活捕捉灵感。

Andrea: He also says that it has helped give London its identity.

Jean: Tate Modern也让伦敦更具个性,因为它已经成为伦敦天际线不可缺少的一道风景了。

Andrea: And if you don’t feel like looking at the art, you can just have a picnic on the lawns in front of Tate Modern and admire St Paul’s Cathedral and the river.

Jean: 所以大家下次来伦敦玩可千万别忘了到the Tate Modern来看看。It’s a must.

Andrea: Until next time. It’s time to leave you. Bye bye from both of us at BBC Learning English.

Jean: Bye.


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