When,limiting,beliefs,get,the, marketing When limiting beliefs get in the way of your success
Automation technologies represent a fundamental aspect of any modern industry. The major types of industrial automation solutions, such as DCS, PLC, SCADA, and MES, are used on a large-scale in process and discrete industries.DCS technologie Awhile ago, I got an email from one of the "gurus" I follow and it shocked me. The gist of it was this person wanted to trade services for a household item.To say it floored me would be an understatement.What was worse was a few days later t
Has this ever happened to you? Things are finally startingto fall into place. The phone rings, new clients show up and you start meetingjoint venture partners to help grow your business. Yay! Things are looking upand then, it all suddenly falls apart. Clients dont show up and meetings withpotential partners are cancelled. What happened?Sometimes, people who have made shifts in their mindset to attractclients still have some subconscious thoughts around not feeling that theydeserve success. That means inside, emotionally, its like oil andwater. The water part says, Yay! Ive got new clients, new partners and Immaking money! Then youve got limiting beliefs represented by the oil partwhich says, I dont deserve to have a successful business. As you canimagine, these two parts dont mix well and actually can react to cancel eachother out.To help you get rid of those limiting beliefs, I recommend doingsome personal work. You want to heal those feelings of not beingdeserving. To do this, you can try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique orTapping), hypnosis, or other types of energetic healing. Ive been doing thiskind of personal development work for years to help me get me where I am today.Theres a great book by Marianne Williamson called ACourse in Weight Loss that can be very helpful. Ihavent actually used it for weight loss but for working through limitingbeliefs and other personal development opportunities. She has lots of exercisesthat you can do with journaling that help tremendously. She touches on shame,people you havent forgiven, people you feel judged by and things like thatwhich I found very, very helpful for letting go of limiting beliefs.So, when you have bursts of excitement about new opportunitiescoming your way and they are followed by cancellations or people falling awayfor whatever reason, take the time to look within. Sometimes its justthat kind of week. But other times, if you do the work, you will uncoverlimiting beliefs that hold you back from the success you crave and deserve. Ifthis happens, dont feel badly. Discovering what prevents you from attractingclients and finding success is the best way of working through it.Your Client Attraction AssignmentIf you are encountering these types of starts and stops in your business, Ialso recommend making a big list of all your beliefs and feelings. Write downeverything that comes to mind about not deserving or being worthy of a solidbusiness or anything you want in life. Get it all out so you know what you aredealing with and can start to let it go.