Awhile ago, I got an email from one of the "gurus" I follow and it shocked me. The gist of it was this person wanted to trade services for a household item.To say it floored me would be an understatement.What was worse was a few days later t Automation technologies represent a fundamental aspect of any modern industry. The major types of industrial automation solutions, such as DCS, PLC, SCADA, and MES, are used on a large-scale in process and discrete industries.DCS technologie
Branding has power. Real power. A power that you canmeasure. But for those of us who have the dream ofcreating our own Internet Empire from our home cubicleor kitchen table, the Real Branding Power comes notfrom branding your business or product, but fromBranding Yourself! Branding "You" (a phrase borrowedfrom Rick Beneteau) is a power that you can't affordnot to understand and use."Branding Yourself" is the application of certaintechniques which will help you gain popularity on theInternet by making yourself well known, maybe as anExpert in your field. When people recognize you as anexpert you will gain popularity by means of more freepublicity than you can imagine. Picture seeing anarticle written mentioning your name as an authority onMarketing or mentioning you for nothing more thanquoting something you said. The point I'm trying tomake is that you are seen as an Authority or betterput, a "Personality". Now, try to fathom thousands oreven hundreds of thousands of people seeing you in thesame light. This is what successful Self-Branding isall about. You don't need to necessarily be an expert.You just need to be seen, heard and talked about.How do you Brand Yourself? There are many techniquesand methods, but it can be as simple as a hiddenpersonality trait, a nickname (maybe something like"Wild Bill"), or helping others by consultation orassistance. You must look for ways to literally becomea Celebrity in the eyes of the world or at least asmall, select part of it. It could be by getting yourname known as the "guy/gal who had the answer or madethe comment". Is that all there is to it? Of coursenot.The one thing I am slowly and surely learning aboutmarketing on the Internet is that you have to build aname for yourself before people will trust you andtrust your products. Trust is a big issue on theInternet. Can you blame people? The Internet is overrunwith rip-offs and fast-talking scam artists. Theirwhole existence is centered on the sole pursuit ofrelieving you of your money for a product with lots ofpromise and no result.I recently purchased a book by Rick Beneteau, called"Branding You and Breaking the Bank". Now you mightthink that Rick had some kind of big money backing him."Sure", you say, "that's the only way to get into thebig time". Well, let me tell you Rick started out a fewyears ago from the very bottom. The one thing that heunderstood that many of us don't, is that you mustBrand Yourself, whether it's as an expert in marketingor the guy next door who'll help you out with aproblem. But, one thing is for sure; Rick knows how todo it. Would you like to learn more about PersonalBranding and how to get your name known and respected?Learn how to get thousands of dollars worth the freeadvertising?Is this a recommendation for a product? I have to say,without a doubt "YES"! But I am so thrown back by thisbook, that I simply had to write an article around it.Many of you may have read some of my articles, and Iknow that some of you read them religiously (thank youvery much). Those of you that do, know that I do notwrite articles supporting products in this manner. Imay have mentioned a product in the process, that'spart of the Biz. But, I cannot stress enough theimportance of "Personal Branding". I wholeheartedlysupport and recommend Rick's Book, "Branding You andBreaking the Bank".This Powerful new book puts YOU on the fast track tobecoming an Internet Celebrity. Not only does Rickteach you step-by-step how he did it; he also askedmany of the top Internet personalities to share theirsuccess secrets with you. If you're at all seriousabout achieving success on the Internet, you need tostart Branding YOU and Breaking the Bank!Do yourself a favor. Check It Out!