Sleep,Deprived,Driving,Effects law Sleep Deprived Driving: Effects, Statistics and Regulations
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When a driver iscognitively impaired due to lack of sleep, it is termed sleep deprived driving.Sleep deprivation has been shown to be just as detrimental to the brain asalcohol. As such, it is one of the many causes of accidents on the roadway. SleepDeprivation EffectsSleep apnea can oftencause fatigue. More serious sleep apnea, termed obstructive sleep apnea, causesthose suffering from it to have their breathing pause; preventing the personsairways from having any air flow in or out of them. This frequently results insevere sleepiness during the day. In addition to fatigue, this can also causepsychomotor deficits, sleep attacks and nighttime sleep disruptions. The effects of fatigueand sleepiness include several impairments, such as vision, reaction time and judgment,but there are also many other issues that can be caused. These issues includedecreased motivation, performance and vigilance, poor short-term memory, issuesprocessing information, aggressive behavior, moodiness and sleep episodestermed microsleep, which are basically 2-3 second episodes of sleep. Studies have found thatsleep deprivation affects the drivers ability by impairing coordination,causing longer reaction times and impaired judgment. Statisticsof Sleep Deprived DrivingCountless studies haveindicated that anywhere from 16 60% of accidents may be due to sleep deprivation.In a four year span (89 93), the average number of individuals killed each yeardue to sleep-deprived driving was 1544. These accidents are considered to occurmost frequently in the early morning to mid afternoon hours. Military personnel andtruckers both seem to reflect that sleep deprived driving is a major issue. Infact, sleep deprivation is estimated to cause 9% of the total crashes thatoccur in the U.S. military. In the U.S., 12% of the crashes each year areconsidered a result of driver fatigue.Crashes due to sleepapnea reportedly cost $15.9 billion dollars in the year 2000 and took the livesof 1,400 individuals. The prevalence of this issue in commercial drivers suchas truckers is nearly 30%, with an estimated 10.5% having moderate to severesleep apnea. Today, the individuals with sleep apnea that is moderate to severeare considered valid reasons to disqualify an individual for a CDL. CDLRegulationsA CDL requires theapplicant to submit to a physical exam, which includes review of respiratory dysfunction.Applicants are also screened for this disorder, which includes a Berlinquestionnaire, BMI calculation and a clinical evaluation. The factors that leadto disqualification for a CDL are: being the driver in a crash that wasattributed to the driver falling asleep at the wheel, having a BMI in excess of33 kg/m2, having an AHI of 20 or higher with no treatment scheduled or not yethaving been evaluated after a surgery was performed for the condition. Responseto Sleep Deprived Driving by the GovernmentMany governments havetried to reduce the incidence of sleep deprived driving by a variety ofmethods. These include rumble strips, educational messages and other programssuch as Australias Driver Reviver. This article is broughtto you by your local Cypress car accident attorney.The Dana Point car accident attorneys atJD Law Group have settled millions of dollars worth of accident claims and canrefer you to the highest rated car accident firms anywhere in the United Statesin order to maximize your settlement. Call them today at1-888-736- 4248 for a free consultation. DISCLAIMER: Theinformation provided on this website or the web site linked here in are not asubstitute for professional medical or legal advice, diagnosis or treatment. Inaddition, viewing the content on these websites, requesting additionalinformation, or transmitting information through a contact form does not forman attorney-client relationship with the sponsoring attorney. Any results setforth herein are based upon the facts of that particular case or scientificstudy and do not represent a promise or guaranty regarding similar outcome orcauses. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes onlyand should never interfere with a patient/site visitor and his or herhealthcare provider. Internet subscribers or online readers should not act uponany information contained herein without seeking professional legal and/ormedical advice. This firm is licensed to practice law only in the state ofCalifornia, but isaffiliated with a network of licensed attorneys in other states. Call 911 forall medical emergencies. and JD Law Group make norepresentation or warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, completeness,currentness, or timeliness of the content, text or graphics. Links to other sitesare provided for information only they do not constitute endorsements ofthose other sites.