Questions,Getting,Great,Bail,B law 5 Questions To Getting A Great Bail Bonds Company
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Usually to decide on a company to go with and put your trustwith, all you need is a good sense of judgment. If you're walking up to aparking lot with used cars scattered around and the sales guy immediately comesflying out of his office spewing some nonsense about the best deals in townwearing a 1960 plaid suit, you've probably judged the situation correctly andmoved on to a different auto dealer. But how can you make a decision on a bailbond company when most of the time you will only be speaking with them on thephone, emailing them, or faxing them? Here are some suggestions and five goodquestions to ask. First, get someone on the phone. Amazingly enough, this isthe easiest part with contacting a bail bonds company, because the bail bondcompanies know that answering the phone is the key to their success. Now you'reon the phone with the agent and you want to quickly decide whether this is acompany you want to work with. Meanwhile your loved one is in jail, you don'thave much time to interview every company you call, and you need some goodquestions to ask for making the best decision on which bail bond company tomove forward with. Remember, you are going to entrust this company with gettingyour loved one out of jail and usually making a decision within a five minphone call. 1. Isyour bail company listed with BBB, what rating your is it and where can I findthe information? You will find that not all bail bondsmen are with the Better BusinessBureau. Normally a company gets listed on the Better Business Bureau toappeal to the public. BBB is an organization created to protect the rights ofconsumers where consumers can satisfy their need for finding a trustworthycompany. Here you can do research to find out if there are complaints about thecompany you are thinking about doing business with. Find out what their ratingis and see if there are any major complaints about the bail company and makesure this all matches with what the agent on the phone is telling you.Obviously, if the bondsman is touting a AAA rating with the BBB and you look upthe company and find out they're not even a B rating, well then you can startquestioning the values of this company. 2. Whatpercentage do you charge for a bail bond and why? A reputable, licensed bail company will usually charge 10%. If thebondsman you are on the phone with starts mentioning discounted bail at 5%and they are overselling this aspect of the deal, beware. If they are cuttingcorners here, they're probably cutting corners in other important places aswell. Think of it this way, do the good company's -- the ones you want to dobusiness with -- heavily discount their services: NO! The great companiesalways have enough business because of integrity and therefore they don't needto cut corners or discount their services and these are the ones you want towork with. 3. Willyou help me understand the bail bond process? The agent should reply with aquick, Yes. If the company knows their industry, they will understand that mostof their potential clients will know nothing about the bail bond industry andtherefore education is needed for a few reasons. One, to make the sale ofcourse, and two, bail bonds companies need their clients to understand theprocess as much as possible, this helps when dealing with expectationsthroughout the entire process. The more the clients know and understand, thesmoother the process will go and both the client and bail bond company benefit. 4. Areyou licensed? This is quite an obvious question but this wouldn't be a great articleif I didn't put it in. Bail bondsmen are licensed by the California Departmentof Insurance. Go there. Check out the license status. Dealing with a bailbondsman that does not have a license is like getting a heart transplant fromthe local newspaper boy. Enough said. 5. Howfast can you get my friend (or family member) out of jail? Any bail bond companythat gives you an exact time-frame for a defendant's release is probably givingyou a line to close the deal. Bondsman can control when they get their portionof the release process complete, but they cannot control the jail system. Jailsoperate on a safety-first basis. Flow of people and processes is often slow andunpredictable at best. That said, an experienced bondsman should know theindividual jails' normal processing times. Well, that's 5 questions to ask a Bail Bondsman. If you haveany other great questions that can quickly qualify the bail bond company,please let me know. We will read them and maybe even change the article.