Consumer,Law,Canada,ConsumerLa law Consumer Law in Canada
When you work with an attorney, you will have no problem reducing the risks associated with getting your case in front of a judge and jury, or other formal court, when you need to. However, every case is different. It is important to work wi Bankruptcy is a situation, wherein an individual is termed as unable to discharge all the debts. When a person or a company is not able to pay off its creditors, it has an obligation to file a bankruptcy suit. In fact, a bankruptcy suit is a
ConsumerLaws or better to say consumer protection laws are designed to solve twoproblems: to keep the businesses and manufacturers from providing the customerswith false or fake information about the product on the one side and protectthe rights and interests of consumers who purchased defective goods forexample, on the other. With Consumer Laws the government regulates faircompetition on the market by limiting the advertising of products only tofacts. Also these laws protect the health of the nation by forcing themanufacturers to keep the quality as high as possible. Beside the governmentthere are also large numbers of non-governmentorganizations and individuals that participate in consumer activism and protectthe rights of the consumer. There are two acts that regulate the ConsumerRights regarding products in Canada:the Hazardous Products Act and the Food and Drugs Act. The first act createsthe safety standards for manufacturing of various products, the second actregulates the sale of food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices. It is veryfrustrating when you purchase anunsafe or defective product. Today such cases are mostly solved in stores, byreplacing the defective product. Still if the problem remains unresolved it isthe best time to take legal action, but before doing it, its better to preparethe lawsuit carefully. You need to be aware that in some cases the manufactureror the seller will try to prove that you knew about the defect but continued touse the device anyway. Sometimes the manufacturer or seller simply doesnt wantto replace the product for financial reasons, sometimes because the defectiveproduct is ruining the reputation of the company or the product. Still there area number of companies that provide additional warranties as a part of itsconsumer policy. The main advantage ofany consumer laws is that you can unite your claim with similar claims in thewhole country, province or your area and turn it into a class action lawsuit. Agood base for a lawsuit is injury caused by the defective product, in this casethe court will most definitely award money to the injured person if they agreethat the manufacturer or seller negligently sold a defective product. The rulesregarding consumer claims are different in every province. Mostly the limit fora small claim in Canadais set at twenty thousand dollars. Small claims also do not require a lawyer,but there is a consumer lawyer that can always assist you in the case. Forlawsuits with large compensations the lawyer becomes necessary. In case oflarge lawsuits it is sometimes too expensive for one person to handle and inthis case the class action lawsuit is the best solution. All the expenses willbe divided between people who file a large lawsuit together. The rewards willbe divided too. And as in many other types of claims be sure to do oneimportant thing before you file the claim, be sure to discuss it with yourlawyer.