Ayurvedic,Treatment,For,Piles, health Ayurvedic Treatment For Piles, Internal Hemorrhoids
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Piles or hemorrhoids are a common problem to many middle aged people. In this condition, the veins around the rectum swell and form a mass that bleeds at times causing severe pain and discomfort to the patient. The location of these swollen veins around the anal cavity differentiates them into internal piles and external piles. Internal piles are located on the inner surface of anus while the external piles are located on the outer surface. Both are equally painful and cause bleeding when bowels are passed. They are painful and cause straining of the rectal area. Internal piles generally show no symptoms and the only symptom is bleeding through stools. After this the itching, discomfort and lumps of mass are noticed and this shows that the problem has already worsened. Causes: 1. It is proved that constipation is the main reason for development of piles. Constipation results in straining and irritation of bowels. Some other causes of piles are untreated conditions like dysentery, diarrhea, colitis etc., which are forms of gastrointestinal problems. 2. Pregnancy is another cause of piles in women. The strain over rectal wall during pregnancy and the expansion of uterus cause pregnancy hemorrhoids. 3. Genetic history is also a reason of piles development in individuals. If piles run in your family history, you should be extra cautious about your health and habits. 4. Sedentary lifestyle - Long working hours and sitting in one place for long make the chances of developing piles very strong. The common symptoms faced by patients are: 1. Irritation2. Constipation3. Swelling near anus4. A feeling of protrusion5. Hard stool and passage of blood. Ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids with Pilesgon capsules is very helpful in removing the problem from its root. Regular use of Pilesgon capsules has proved useful to cure constipation troubles. Since constipation is the main cause of piles, the usage of Pilesgon capsules reduces the risk of recurrence of piles. They also soothe the internal anal system and nourish the digestive system. The herbs that are natural conditioners help in reducing swellings and pain caused while passage of stools and also stop the bleeding completely, thus relieving the patient from pain. Pilesgon capsules contain ingredients like reetha, ashwagandha that are responsible for curing the damage to the anal lining in a natural manner. Internal piles are also treated with a special treatment in Ayurveda names Kshara karma. It is a non-surgical ayurvedic way of treating internal piles. Kshara karma is a method where an alkaline mixture of herbal medicines is applied on the affected area and has proved more effective than the surgeries. Kshara Karma targets the 3 main veins in the rectal area which get affected and the topical treatment nourishes inner lining of anus. Ayurveda suggests the use of alkaline herbs and their combinations for treating many problems regulated to skin and topical wounds. Apart from this daily exercise, plenty of water and fiber rich food, regular habits of bowels, increased physical activity and reduction in intake of spices that disturb digestion are preventive measures of hemorrhoids.