Tips,Know,about,Cancer,Facts,F health Tips to Know about Cancer Facts
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Facts about Breast CancerBreast cancer is a malignant cells formed in breast tissue. The disease isfound mostly in women and much more aggressive at a young age, sometimes foundalso in men. The disease is going to be different in a certain age, which isusually considered as heterogeneous disease.Breast Cancer SymptomsA number of conditions, in addition to breast cancer, may cause changes orfeel any change in your breast size. Cysts, fibrocystic changes, fibroadenomas, infection or injury could be the cause that might change non-breastcancer, breast tissue changes, however, occurs more frequently experiencedduring pregnancy and menstrual cycles. The symptoms are:· Redness or spots on the skin above your breasts, likeorange peel · Blood out of your nipples, and often associated with alump in the breast · Changes in size or contour · There are leveling or indentation in the skin of thebreast · There are retraction or indented on your nippleGenerally, early breast cancer does not cause any pain, and often lumps onbreast cancer, but not signs of breast cancer, but the most common signs, onmen and women, typically thickening or lump in the breast.Some Risk Factors Associated with BreastCancerThe causes of breast cancer was certainly not clear, but we know that themain factors. Among the factors that are most significant are the advancing ageand family history are having breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are morelikely to get breast cancer than younger women, and race African-Americanswomen have more risk than Caucasian race women to get breast cancer before menopause.Early onset of menstruation, prior to the age of 12 years, as well as the latemenopause, after the age of 55, can increase the risk. Many studies have shownthat women who diet high in fat are more likely to get breast cancer. Andalcohol consumption in a number of more than two times a day can increase therisk.The Prevention StepsMen and women who want to reduce risk breast cancer can get it by reducingthe amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the number of consumingalcohol. The study showed that resveratrol nutrients may play a factor inpreventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, is a natural antioxidant, is found inthe skins of red grapes or purple. Dietary supplement with resveratrol is abetter choice.