Asbestos,Cancers-What,are,the, health Asbestos Cancers-What are the less common types?
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Although mesothelioma is the commonest type of cancer associated withasbestos exposure, it can also less commonly lead to the development ofother cancers such as lung cancer.Lung CancerThis is another dangerous cancer caused by exposure to asbestos fibers.There are two types of lung cancer: a-small cell lung cancer, andb-Non-small cell lung cancer.The Non small cell lung cancer is the commonest type of lung cancer ,accounting for about 80% of known cases. The diagnosis of lung canceris confirmed by the appearance of cancer cells under the microscope, inthe sample of the tumor tissue.Symptoms These include:A}coughingB}chest painC}haemoptysis-the presence of blood in the sputumD}weight lossE}tirednessF}headachesJust like in mesothelioma, these symptoms do not appear until manyyears after the initial exposure to the hazardous material. Anyoneexperiencing these symptoms of lung cancer and who has been exposed toasbestos in the past should seek immediate medical evaluation andexamination.Apart from mesothelioma and lung cancer which are the two most commonlyassociated cancers with exposure to asbestos, exposure can also lead toa number of other ,very serious life threatening cancers likegastrointestinal cancer, and colorectal cancers. Also according to theNational Cancer Institute, exposure to asbestos can also increase thechances of developing kidney, throat, esophagus, and gall bladdercancers.In addition to these cancers, exposure to asbestos has also been linkedto breast, ovarian and prostate cancers, as well as Leukemia andLymphoma.Associated Risk Factors For Asbestos CancerAs with other carcinogens, the risk of developing this type of cancer is influenced by a number of factors related to exposure.1-The amount of asbestos to which a person is exposed to is animportant factor, as the number of asbestos fibers increases, so alsothe likelihood of developing serious asbestos related diseasesincreases.2-The duration of exposure is also an important factor in determining the risk of developing the cancer.3-Smoking increases the risk of developing the cancer.4-The presence of other pre existing diseases also increases the riskof developing asbestos cancer. For example, people who have developednon malignant pleural diseases as a result of exposure to asbestos havea greater risk of developing lung cancer.Recommended steps to take after exposure to asbestosIf you have been exposed to asbestos at any time, you should see yourdoctor for a medical examination. Most of the cancers caused byasbestos present years and decades after the initial exposure by whichtime the tumor will have been too advanced for curative treatments.If you eventually receive a diagnosis of asbestos related cancer, youshould seek the assistance of an asbestos lawyer to get youcompensation from the companies that knowingly manufactured asbestoscontaminated products. Article Tags: Cell Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer, Cell Lung