Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
Fund redemptions are nothing new. Every recession or bear market sees investors redeeming their fund investments and moving to asset classes which provide a greater degree of safety. For most, this is the Government Treasury Bill also called the T-Bill. While reasons for redemptions are as varied as the investment selections themselves, it seems that individual investors are uncertain of their understanding of what their money has been invested in. While mutual funds are marketed to the investor with a lower knowledge of investment products, the hedge fund has always been the investment choice for more knowledgeable investors or the "Accredited Investor". But now it seems even this group is calling for the need of greater understanding from their investment managers. The battle for returns which out perform the index has resulted in many Portfolio Managers refusing to disclose their trading program for fear others will duplicate their trading style. It is said by many managers that it's this ability to observe unique characteristics in the market place that differentiates their funds performance from the typical returns generated by bottom quartile performing funds and fund managers. Of course the unregulated hedge fund industry has perpetuated this myth by trusting the Accredited Investor with an above average knowledge of the market and his ability to select the correct investment for their portfolio. It seems the Accredited Investors does not always posses greater knowledge than their more un-sophisticated mutual fund brethren. So that bears the question of how to obtain this transparency to the satisfaction of the investing public? And the answer is the Managed Account. Managed Accounts are simply individual accounts opened in the name of the investor. These accounts are not pooled, yet they are identically structured and managed by the hedge fund Portfolio Manager in the same style as the pooled fund. The critical difference is the investors ability to see every trading transaction performed in the account by the fund manager. The popularity of the pooled investment structure is that investors do not have to deposit large sums of money to utilize the services of a professional Portfolio Manager. Most successful professional Portfolio Managers do not accept accounts less than US$10 million dollars. The hedge fund and mutual fund gained popularity by allowing smaller sums of money to be pooled with other deposits from many other investors. So while you can currently participate in a hedge fund investment for $100,000 and a mutual fund for $50., a managed account may require a minimum investment in excess of $1 million. Not so good for everybody. But lets suppose you can convince your hedge fund manager to accept your $100,000 what advantage do you gain.