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Preparing the taxes can be a tough job. With CPAs burning the night oil to individuals struggling to prepare an error-free return, the hustle and bustle of tax season can be seen on every face these days. For people who are new in business and those who have never done their taxes alone, this is the time to make critical decisions. Tax and accounting experts suggest that accounting firms and small and medium-sized businesses must take the help of smart, professional tax software hosted on the cloud. The tax software, be it ProSeries, Ultratax CS or Lacerte, is capable of handling a range of tax-related tasks efficiently. On top of that, tax software hosting works like a cherry on the cake. Here’s how: Why Host Your Tax Software? Anyone who is new to cloud computing must know that tax software hosting has a series of benefits attached to it. Cloud-hosted tax software can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on any device if it has a working internet connection. Also, the users save on infrastructure since cloud hosting does not require the users to invest in an in-house framework to set up their tax software in the cloud. Your tax software hosting provider will do the work for you. Confused About What To Choose? CPAs, tax professionals, and business owners who are planning to take their tax software in the cloud can find themselves confused about what to choose. In this section, we are taking up two hosted tax software- UltraTax CS Hosting vs. Lacerte Tax Software Hosting to help you make your choice. UltraTax CS Hosting A part of Thomson Reuters’ CS Professional Suite, UltraTax Cs is most suitable for large accounting firms. It can be used both as an individual application as well as can be paired with other applications of the CS Professional Suite. Experts suggest it works best when coupled with other applications and has been designed particularly to improve productivity. UltraTax CS can be used by small and medium-sized businesses to perform complex tax filing tasks. The software comes with features that make it easier for SMB owners, individuals as well as professionals to complete a large number of tax returns in less time. The advanced E-filing feature of the software turns tax filing into a simpler process. How to Access UltraTax CS? UltraTax CS can be deployed on the desktop as well as can be hosted on the cloud. UltraTax CS Hosting is an enhanced version over the desktop one as it can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Benefits of Hosted UltraTax CS
- UltraTax CS supports a variety of forms such as 1040, 1041, 1120, 1120C, 706, 709, 990, 2290, and many more.
- It supports 1040 e-filing for states that accept e-filing of returns.
- To add efficiency to the e-filing process, UltraTax CS offers a number of tools that automatically look for errors when return filing is in the process.
- The calculation begins just as a user begins to enter the data.
- Ultratax CS can seamlessly integrate with the applications of CS Professional Suite as well as with Excel and Microsoft Word.
- The Pricing scheme of UltraTax Hosting is flexible, which is another attractive feature for a majority of users.
- Allows more than 50 types of e-file returns for about 15 states, so users can enjoy an enhanced e-filing.
- The user interface offered by Lacerte is customizable, so users can alter the number of clients they wish to view at a time.
- All of the forms and tools can be easily accessed on the software interface, even when hosted in the cloud.
- Multiple users can gain access to the work files, whereas access can also be reduced to a handful of users.
- Seamlessly integrates with the QuickBooks application.