Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
If you are someone who regularly commutes with your own transport and spends a good deal of money on fuel purchases, having a credit card that offers you exclusive fuel discounts is definitely going to be a blessing. Certain credit cards, besides the other offers they come with, are specifically designed to help you make your fuel purchases less burdening. These cards enable you to save big on fuel purchases by offering discounts, cashbacks or reward points. The ANZ Switch Platinum Credit Card What do you get?
- Get discounts of up to 14% on fuel purchases made at Caltex Stations.
- Enjoy up to 15% discount on dining and beverage bills at over 20 popular wine and dine establishments.
- The annual fee is perennially waived for the ANZ Switch Platinum Credit Card.
- Purchases made using the card can be converted to flexible monthly payments.
- Balance transfers can be performed at a 0% processing fee and no interest for 6 months.
- With every S$5 spent using your card, earn 1 ANZ Reward Point.
- Reward Points can be redeemed for an extended list of offers and promotions including KrisFler miles and Asia miles.
- Get a complimentary MoneyLine Account and access to FlexiLoan. Through these offerings, you can avail term loans on your credit card at low interest rates.
- Make payments in an easy, swift and convenient manner using MasterCard PayPass.
- The card has a low annual interest rate of 23% p.a.
- Both principal and supplementary cards do not attract annual fees.
- Interest charges on cash advances is 28% p.a.
- Late payment fees of S$60 will be charged if the minimum monthly payment on the monthly outstanding balance is not paid on time.
- Overlimit charges of S$50 will be levied in instances where the credit limit is exceeded.
- Fuel savings of up to 26.6% at Caltex Stations across Singapore.
- Cashbacks of up to 20% on Uber rides by spending S$600 in a month. The offer is applicable worldwide.
- Get a cashback of S$138 or a S$150 Caltex StarCash Card when you get your application approved and successfully make 3 transactions within the first 60 days of receiving your card.
- Get attractive discounts of 15% on jewellery purchased from SK Jewellery.
- Earn 3% cashback on all purchases exceeding S$3,000 in a given calendar month. Earn a minimum cashback of 0.5% on all expenses below S$1,000 and 1% cashback on purchases valued between S$1,000 and S$2,999.99.
- Under the Standard Chartered “Good Life” Programme, avail amazing deals on healthcare, entertainment, dining and several other categories at over 190 participating merchants.
- Get a S$50,000 travel insurance cover in the event of travel related accidents/permanent disablements.
- The annual charges on the card is S$192.60 and the annual rate of interest is 25.9%.
- Principal cardholders can apply for up to 5 supplementary cards.
- Foreign currency transactions are charged an administrative fee of 2.5% and a currency conversion fee of 0.8% charged by the bank and the card association respectively.
- The card can be used to make cash withdrawals subject to interest and handling charges.