Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
The big question is, what do we do with our house when we move abroad? Traditionally, most emigrants would decide to put the house on the market for sale however, with current house prices on the slump and difficulties in getting a mortgage, sellers are opting for rentals instead. If you have never rented out a property, the thought of it can be daunting moving abroad and renting, for most people, would be out of the question. But dont stress, it is not as hard as you may think. You have two choices as to how you will manage the tenancy agreement. You may choose to manage the agreement yourself, or enlist the services of a local managing agent. Using a Letting Agent to Manage your Property If you have opted for using a letting agent to manage your property, they will be responsible for the day to day dealings with your tenant. This would include the following minimum requirements:
- Finding a Tenant in the first place
- Drafting up a Tenancy Agreement and carrying out a credit check
- Ordering an EPC if required
- Checking the Tenant into the property
- Carrying out quarterly inspections and reporting back by email / post to the landlord living abroad
- Maintenance and repair work
- Arranging payment of tax on behalf of the landlord
- Checking the tenant out at the end of the agreement
- Dealing with any legal issues such as non-payment of rent etc
- Re-marketing the property to find new tenants
- According to Section 48 of Landlord and Tenant Act, you must give your tenants a local contact address in the UK as an address that they can use to issue notices to you. This could be a friend or a member of your families address.
- Keep an eye on the rent payments if your tenants are either consistently late with rent payments or they are over 8 weeks behind, you may be able to issue a specific legal notice to evict.
- You must supply the Tenant with a Gas Safety Certificate before they move in and it must be updated annually
- You must supply the Tenant with an emergency number so that they can contact someone for help after hours.
- Register with HMRC and declare any income on rental property.