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Whenever car insurance shoppers ask for quotes, they are asked to give details like age, occupation, marital status, area of residence and so on. This vital information enables the insurance company to calculate the risk a customer presents which the company covers if the customer purchases car insurance from them. Because of that, do not be alarmed to realize that some customers pay less or more than you do on the same insurance policies with similar coverage, because a combination of factors determines the rate of premium one pays. Bear this in mind whenever you are shopping for cheap car insurance quotes. If you want to get cheap quotes, there are certain measures you can take for your insurer to classify you in the less risky category that attracts lower premiums.Searching for cheap car insurance quotes on the Internet is an easy and convenient way of shopping for car insurance. Being able to shop for car insurance online has benefits for both the insurance company and the customer. In a matter of minutes, a car insurance shopper is able to access a huge number of insurers, obtain and compare the quotes and even purchase the most reasonable insurance policies online. Additionally, if you have any problem or query regarding your policy, most of these companies have online customer support that you can contact any time of day or night. This process is convenient and allows shoppers to do all their transactions from wherever they are, as long as one has Internet connection. This method also works well for the insurance companies as it saves them costs like agent commissions and any other costs arising from selling insurance offline.An easy way of getting cheap car insurance quotes is by asking for discounts when shopping for car insurance. Several types of discounts are available that customers can qualify to get. For example, you can pay discounted rates on your car insurance if you purchase other types of insurance like home and health insurance from the same company. You also qualify for discounts by getting proper training in driving, maintaining a good driving record and fitting your car with anti-theft gadgets.If you want to save money when looking for cheap car insurance quotes, take your time to read carefully and understand all about your policy as well as the terms and conditions. A good insurance policy should provide you with enough coverage affordably.