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Free access includes comprehensive leasing information, detailed information regarding the building and owner contact data for all tenants.Fields of data in RetailLink available with a free subscription include:
- Property address
- County
- Key map
- City
- Building name
- Submarket/Sector
- Zip code
- Average rent per square foot
- Operating status And more!
- Gross square feet
- Net square feet
- Anchored
- Occupancy rate
- Number of floors
- High rent range
- Census tract
- County account number
- Low rent range
- Triple net charges And more!
- Photo (if available)
- Map
- Year built
- Rent type
- Sale type
- Year renovated
- Contiguous square feet
- Commission rate
- Parking spaces
- Acreage
- Leasing contact information
- Tenant information
- Development
- Historical property information
- Historical absorption by type
- Historical absorption by type by year
- Historical occupancy by class
- Leasing labels
- Proposed and under construction
- Occupancy and rent survey by type
- Occupancy and rent survey by tenant
- Owner labels
- Historical rent by type
- Ownership guide reports
- Rent vs. age summary
- Management labels
- Occupancy and rent survey by class