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If getting insurance from an employer is the only thing you know, you might be surprised that the best deals are often found online. Sometimes it is even cheaper than your work insurance and that is partially subsidized. You can also check with the local providers in your community, so you know their quotes. This can provide you with a starting point once you start receiving online quotes.There are some things you should consider when looking for affordable health insurance online. When researching the different quotes, keep in mind that your entire family doesn't need to be insured altogether. There are times when a family finds it easier to use a variety of providers and gets different policies for each person.Another way to lower the amount you pay is by adjusting your deductible and overall level of coverage. If you rarely visit the doctor, then you can get by with a higher co-pay for an office visit. Those who have children or are often visiting the doctor, you will want a lower co-pay.There are different things to consider when looking for affordable health insurance online. The process is easy, as you only have to provide personal information and answer some health questions. Then you will receive a number of quotes, making it easier to find the perfect one for your family. Article Tags: Affordable Health Insurance, Affordable Health, Health Insurance