Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
Have you dreamed of owning a home of your own, but just havent been able to put enough into savings for that dreaded down payment? Do you worry that youll find the dream home of choice, only to be told your credit score isnt good enough for a home loan or that you have far too much debt? Do you fear that once you get into your home you will lose it because its more than you thought you could afford? Then this post is for you! Many people think the first step towards buying their home is to determine exactly what type of home they want, what area they want to live in, and then, of course, checking out the schools, crime rates, etc. Those are all great things to consider when buying a home, but thats not the first place you should start. When preparing to buy a home, you must consider your financial status. If your finances arent in order, it wont matter what the house or the neighborhood looks like because the lender isnt going to give you the money to buy it. So where do you startfinancially speaking that is? Step One: Gather Your Bills The best place to start is with a spreadsheet. Write down how much money you have coming in every monthchild support, disability income, salary, investments, etc. Next, write down your expenses. How much money do you pay out everything month?
- What credit card companies do you owe money to and how much?
- What is the interest rate, the balance, and the available credit on those cards?
- What do you pay out every month for medical expenses: insurance premiums, co-pays, medications, doctor visits?
- How much are your monthly utilities: gas, electricity, water, sewer, trash and do you struggle to pay them monthly?
- Do you have a car, boat, or luxury vehicle payment and how much is it per month?
- What is the interest rate and balance owed on those vehicles?
- How much do you pay out monthly towards groceries, school lunches, and work lunches?
- Do you pay for cleaning of work clothes or union dues?
- Are there any other re-occurring expenses that come up every month, not listed above? What are they? Can they be terminated now or must you fulfill a contract?
- How much money do you spend monthly on extras like manicures, hair cuts, clothing, massages, or fun?
- How much money do you put away for emergencies or retirement each month and how much do you currently have in those accounts?
- Do you owe anyone money that isnt reported on your credit report? A personal loan from a family member, perhaps? How much do you owe, when is the money due, and if you make payments, how much per month?
- Do you have any outstanding student loans? How much longer until you pay them off? What do you owe, what is the interest rate, and what must you pay each month?
- Is there something on there that isnt yours?
- Does it show you still owing on an account that was paid off last month, last year, or five years ago?
- Does it accurately show how much you owe on each account and how much credit is left to be used?
- Is your work history correct?
- Is your name spelled correctly and does it list your married name and not your maiden name?
- Is your social security number correct and do they only have one listed?
- Is there anything on your credit report that could negatively affect your credit score? (i.e. bankruptcy and late payments)