Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
It's a sad fact that many Californians are without health insurance. For some it's a matter of choice, others simply can't afford it. There is a third group however, who can afford it and desperately want it, but are unable to qualify for it because of their current or past health conditions. These are what insurance companies refer to as the "uninsurables". The presidential candidates this year all put forward ideas for fixing the broken health care system in this country. Hopefully, there will be sweeping changes made that will allow everyone access to affordable healthcare. In the meantime, if you are sick and uninsured, you can't wait for the politicians to fix the system. You need help today. Here are a few ways you can get yourself insured now: 1. Get a job. If you're healthy enough to work, getting a job with a company that offers health insurance benefits may be your ticket to healthcare. As a new employee, you are guaranteed to get coverage. You will have to wait 6 months after enrolling in the company's insurance plan before any pre-existing conditions are covered, but after that you will have full coverage. If it has been less than 63 days since your last insurance policy lapsed, you may have what is referred to as "creditable coverage" which means that the pre-existing clause will be waived and you can get full coverage right away. 2. Start your own business. In the state of California, you can get guaranteed-issue group coverage with as few as two employees. One of these employees can even be your spouse. Things to keep in mind:
- It must be a legitimate business, but it doesn't have to show income for the first two years;
- The business must be the major source of income for all employees. You can't include an "employee" who earns the majority of his/her income from another source.
- There will still be a waiting period for pre-existing conditions (unless you've had creditable coverage within the last 63 days) but once the waiting period is satisfied, you're good to go.