Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
In order to make a successful commercial real estate investment you need to know the right questions to ask and the right way to ask them. Since purchasing commercial real estate is a negotiation between the buyer and the seller (and probably their prospective brokers), it is important that you, as the buyer, are prepared. Asking the right questions could help you avoid owning an underperforming asset. Remember, both parties are trying their best to get what they want, but their goals are diametrically opposed. The seller is trying his or her best to get the highest possible price, while the buyer is trying just as hard to get the property for the least possible amount of money. Theres an old saying in the business: All sellers are liars, all buyers are thieves. While I dont believe in either scenario as a way to do business, those commercial real estate investors who are able to create a win-win transaction will enjoy huge advantages over their more combative competition. And the key to doing that is in your questioning technique. Finding and creating these win-win deals isnt easy, but making them happen is the basis of successful real estate investment. In many ways, finding the best deals boils down to knowing which questions to ask and is one of the most important of all real estate secrets. The key is to ask plenty of open ended questions of either the seller or his agent and to not accept a simple yes or no answer. If you ask an open ended question and get a yes/no answer, your immediate reaction should be to follow up with additional open ended questions! Obviously, if you keep getting yes/nos to your questions, it may be time to find a more cooperative and serious seller. Some of the leading questions smart real estate investors use include:
- What can you tell me about this piece of property?
- What makes this particular property a good investment?
- What is it like dealing with the city?
- Tell me about your tenants neighbors city, etc.
- What can you do to help me get into this property?
- What financing are you willing to carry?
- What are your neighbors like? Or how easy are the adjacent property owners to deal with?
- How quickly do you need to close? Why?
- Why are you selling the property now?
- What is the existing financing? How can it be assumed?
- What are the down payment requirements?