Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
The holidays are rapidly approaching and Ive managed to do most of my Christmas cards and gifts on time this year! I still have a few to go, but for me most of the pre-holiday madness is over. It is now time to focus on a strategic plan for next year and Im actually going to take a day out of regular work to get it done. Im going to go week by week, all 52 of them, for 2007. On the plan will be my goals for the Year, the Quarters, the Months, and the Weeks. Im taking a top-down approach that will ultimately drive my daily activities. And I will include plenty of vacation time! As I contemplate this process, I can see that Im going to have to get very good at several things:
- You can set up some categories of things to do, like Real Estate Education, Property Analysis Tools, Days Driving Neighborhoods, Commercial Properties Owned, Net Equity, etc.
- Write down where you want to be in each category at the end of 2007.
- From there, break each category down by Quarter and work backwards to see where youd have to be to reach that goal by Years end.
- Now do the same process by Month to see what you have to do to hit each Quarters goal.
- Break your Months into Weeks and repeat the process. I suggest setting aside time in your plan each month to review your progress and allow for adjustments in the plan.
- Now take a single Week and write down what you have to do each Day to hit a Weeks goal.
- These become your Important-High Priority activities not to be confused with the Urgent ones that you think you have to do ahead of everything else.
- The Final Step is to set aside time during every day to spend time on these Important activities. This is time when no one can find you, the cell phone goes off, the GPS is dropped in a drawer, and the Radar is silent. It doesnt have to be a long time as little as 15 minutes, really. And it has to be done consistently.