Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
You may have to think about this, because its contrary to your present ideas about managing money. You've heard homilies like... "save 10% of your income... maximize your contribution to ira (US) or rrsp (Canada)... pay off high interest rate or biggest debts first... make room in your budget for regular investing... etc." It's the only kind of information we've had and it's the basis of ideas about how you should manage your finances. Unfortunately, it's based on marketing hype. They want you to use their products-- loans, savings accounts, ira or rrsp, mutual funds, etc. in your daily financial management. We need information about procedures, not products, but don't expect it from your favorite financial planner or advisor. Proper use of their products can make a dramatic change in your finances, but it reduces their profits! "Financial planning" is information for managing wealth, and it simply can't work for creating it-- your wealth originates from everyday financial activities. Basing decisions on 'financial planning' concepts is the reason for most personal and family financial problems. Worse, government statistics show very low probability of financial success at retirement; odds that have not improved since records have been kept in spite of higher incomes, better education, pensions and government safety nets, plus the combined advice of hundreds of thousands of financial planners and advisors. The reason: financial planning is based on budgeting your pay. This means you ignore your earnings. It's the only time in all financial accounting that ignoring income is a "generally accepted" procedure. The result is financial problems-- some you don't even know you have! Replacing your present concepts with new Wealth Creation financial management can put hundreds of extra dollars a month in your pocket, tax free. And that's only the start! People like you are making remarkable changes in their financial lives by changing their ideas about personal financial management. To set the stage, imagine there is no income tax. You are paid what you earn, so if you earn $1,000 that's the amount of your pay check. If you want a widget that costs $100, theres no income tax, so $100 is what you earn to pay for it. Dream over! What you earn is not what you're paid, because income tax is either deducted from pay, or you set aside money to pay it. If your overall tax rate is 25% and you have other deductions of $100, when you earn $1,000 your paycheck stub will show:
Earnings: $1,000
Income tax: $250
Other deductions $100
Paycheck: $650