Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track
The single biggest question I get from people getting started in real estate (and experienced for that matter) is how to find deals? They say, I dont know what to focus on in real estate. Should I focus on rehabbing? Should I focus on finding absentee owners? Should I focus on direct mail? The problem with those questions is that the real estate investor is confused about the whole business of real estate and the marketing plan behind finding the deals. I understand that you go to a three-day real estate training, or you buy a home-study course, and every angle of real estate investing is attractive. You can see the potential in all these different markets. First things first, you have to get focused! This is the only way to get good at overcoming objections and solving problems unique to different types of motivated seller markets. Lets simplify this whole real estate marketing game and boil it down to this: Who, What, When, Where, Why & How (And How Much)! Who: Who is that we are going to be talking to? Who is that we are going to be trying to purchase homes from? You may want to work in one or two of the following markets: foreclosures, absentee owners, our probates, divorces, for sale by owners, tired landlords. This is your market the who. What: What are you going to say in your marketing? This may be a real estate marketing script that you follow, a direct mail postcard system that you roll out, or specific copy in your advertisement. Understand, that you are looking for motivated sellers to take action. If youre taking the time to write a letter, place an ad, etc you want your prospect to do something like call you or email you or listen to a recorded message! When: When are your prospects going to receive your marketing message? Timing and consistency is everything to your real estate marketing campaign. You need to be the single person (or company) they think of when the moment strikes at which they realize they are, in fact, a motivated seller! Where: Where are they going to receive your message? Obviously if youre door knocking, youll meet them at their home. But if you are marketing to personal representatives of an estate, the attorney may receive the letter and pass it on. Its important to think about where your potential seller is going to see your message because this will affect the action they take. Why: This is where your real estate investing exit strategy comes into play. What are you going to do with the property once youve gained control? Are you going to wholesale it to another investor? Are you going to fix it up and flip it yourself? Are you going to hold on to it for rental? As you grow into your real estate business, youll have a number of options for each deal depending on whats most suitable for the piece of real estate. You may have properties that you can assign, rehab OR rent. But, initially, decide where you are on your real estate investing scale and work within those parameters. If you are asking: Should I focus on rehabbing houses or should I target probate? youre asking two different questions. How: The next thing is the communication method. That is how are we going to talk to our potential motivated sellers? So lets suppose your market is foreclosures or pre-foreclosures (the who). The next question is how? There are basically only four methods that we can use to communicate with our target market.