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70% of options expire worthless to the buyer! That means 70% expire profitable to the seller. Garbage! Unbelievable garbage! Absolutely unbelievable garbage! The logic in this statement is just plain incorrect and of course the website does not have statistics to back their claim. To be fair this website was not the only place I have come across a statement like this. I have in fact seen a figure of up to 90% quoted. However even if it is a common belief does not make it correct. Lets first have a think about the logic, then lets look at some stats and come to some real conclusions. Profit LogicLets assume 70% of options do expire worthless. How can anyone draw conclusions as to the profitability of a long trade or a short trade? You simply cannot. If you sell an option at say 10pts, you could then watch it go to 100 or 200pts and wipe out all the money in your account. The market may then turn around and eventually see the option expire worthless, but that does not mean your trade has been profitable. This is not nit picking. This is real life trading - things move up and down and you cannot always afford to sit on a position and hope for a zero value at expiry. It is simply not possible to draw a conclusion about profitability based on expiration statistics. The statisticsIn a book entitled Options on Futures by Summa and Lubow they quote the 80% figure and it is backed up by numbers from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). In a section entitled The Numbers Speak for Themselves, they show a table of data sourced from the CME. The numbers represent the percentage of options that expire worthless. The data from the book is as follows: YearCME optionsS&P optionsS&P putsS&P calls199776.381.794.154.8199875.882.293.143.9199977.584.794.566.71997-9976.683.394.055.3 Assuming we have no reason the doubt these statistics, then this seems to back up the popular belief. On careful reading however, it appears the figures represent only those options that are held to expiration and not those that are closed out OR exercised before expiration (remember we are dealing with American style options here so some can be exercised before expiration). Maybe we do not have the whole picture... I also came across some more stats from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) that I thought were interesting. Their figures are:
- Approximately 10% of options are exercised;
- 50-60% of options positions are closed prior to expiration;
- The remaining (about 30 40%) are held to expiry.
- First, 10% of the options (all in-the-money) are exercised early leaving 400 in-the-money and 500 out-of-the-money. There are 900 options remaining.
- Then 55%* or 550 of the initial pool are closed out leaving 350 open contracts. (* 55% is half way between the 50-60% CBOE number.)
- Of these 550, we need to estimate how many are in-the-money and how many are out-of-the-money. Since we have established a weighing towards in-the-money options, lets assume 60% of these are in-the-money and 40% are out-of-the-money.
- In the end, we have 350 contracts run to expiration.