If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that
Maybe you want to consolidate your debts so you have better control of your money. Perhaps a lender is urging you to refinance because interest rates are low, and he has a too-good-to-be-true deal that will shorten your current loans term. Here are 6 essential questions to ask yourself before making the decision to refinance. 1. Whats My Motiveand What Will It Cost Me?Before you even consider a refinance, ask yourself this fundamental question: Why do I need it? Many times, people take out a new, larger loan to pay off credit cards, automobiles or even to purchase another home, says Norm Bour, host of the nationally syndicated U.S. radio program The Real Estate & Finance Show, and an experienced mortgage lender. Sometimes they need the money to do home improvements or renovations. If, however, you want to lower your current loan payments or switch to a different type of loan, you must calculate the benefits before going the re-fi route. If someone is going from a fixed loan to another fixed loan, my general benchmark is to see a 1% reduction of interest rates to justify it, says Bour, who also teaches money-management classes in Southern California. Sometimes the borrower goes from a fixed-rate loan to an adjustable to lower his payments. Sometimes he does just the oppositemaybe to get away from interest-rate volatility. These are very personal decisions, specific to each individual client. 2. How Long Will I Be in the Property?You may already knowor suspectthat you will not live in your current home beyond a certain timeframe (perhaps 5 years). If this is the case, why would you even consider a 30-year loan? Sometimes, an adjustable-rate loan or a hybridsay, a 5-year fixed, then converting to an adjustablemakes the most sense, Bour says. 3. What Am I Worth?Do your homework before trying to qualify for a new loan. You should know:
- The approximate market value of your property, as loan to value (LTV) is one of the primary factors that control interest rate, Bour says.
- Your credit score, which will affect your overall ability to secure a loan, as well as the interest rates offered and the options available to you.
- Assess your current monthly cash flow and potential future risks.
- Calculate your monthly savings if you were to refinance.
- Determine how long it will take you to break even.
- Fully explain the different types of loans and interest structures.
- Disclose all closing costs and hidden fees (origination fees, escrow, title, underwriting, interest, taxes, insurance, prepayment penalties, etc.).
- Treat you with respect and as an individualnot come up with a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach to your financial future.