How,Make,Your,Dollars,Work,For finance, share, loan How To Make Your Dollars Work For You
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Before a person can even take the first step toward making a fortune, you must know yourself as an investor. Before you can even start, you must come to task with where you stand at the present time and before trying to chart a path, design a plan or determine a course of action, you must first know the locations and dimensions of the starting point.Without Question; The most important question to be answered is "how much money must I make to be satisfied with myself? *Wealth, viewed in its proper sense, is a means of increasing ones own creativity, a phase in the evolution of the human race.Tip No OneIf you set aside one dollar today, and squirreled it away in a savings account that paid 5% simple interest, and if you saw to it that your account was updated each year, your family would have one million dollars by the year 2262; your family would be billionaires by the year 2403; and would be as wealthy as the combined fortunes of the Rockefellers, Rothschild's, Dupont's and Mellon's by the year 2453. You would be a trillionaire by the year 2544. *SAVE*Tip No Two"Time is Money". The march of time is pervasive and it can't be stopped by breaking the hands off a clock, interrupting the sway of a pendulum, standing in the way of a sun dial, setting back your watch, or tearing the pages off a calendar. Time is the scarcest resource that a man has to work with. Each second is unique-It only passes by once and life is short. Living life to its fullest means getting much done as soon as possible. The rational individual prefers having a dollar today to having that same dollar later. A dollar today is valued more highly than a dollar one year from now. The sooner an individual has his money, the sooner he can spend it on things he wants or the sooner he can tuck it into a savings account or an investment program and start earning interest. Money has time value; interests and profits is that reason. All investment decisions are sensitive to interest rates and the change in overall interest rates are known to have profound effects on the economy.Be sure of one thing; through careful financial planning and rightful investments through due diligence, you can become a millionaire several times over and you can do it in your life time- *Starting Now* There are millions of businesses to invest in, but the very ones I recommend, you can start with little or no capital. I call it the *Internet Marketing Business Investments*.There are fortunes on the internet and you too can become a PART of it; if you WILL, you CAN.See you at the top.Resource box Achoenweli .O.Opute is the Ceo - Netright International You can subscribe to get my FREE newsletter by simply sending an email to [email protected] with your name, email address and the subject "FREE NEWSLETTER"*Your Information is 100% secured with me*Start right away to "MAKING MONEY ON THE INTERNET" even while you sleep.The #1 best-selling Internet Marketing Instant Product; I highly recommend visiting: Article Tags: Dollar Today