If your financial problems have reached the point where you do not see a way out and you feel as though you are drowning in debt, your best way out is through declaring bankruptcy. Filing may well allow you to get your finances back on track Thankfully, there are now several web sites that are there to help people like you with bad credit to find the fast personal loans that you need. When you have bad credit, the first thing that you should be looking for is a loan company that
Believe it or not the success or failure of your attempt to collect adebt is usually decided right at the beginning of your phone call -with the very first thing you say after the other party says hello.Knowing exactly what youre going to say, and handling the callin an organized, professional manner is the foundation uponwhich collections are made or lost. There are four parts to aprofessionally executed collections call:Part One: The Open How you identify yourself, your company andthe problem. And how you place that problem before the debtor.Dont ask him when hes going to get around to paying you or whyhes putting you off. Otherwise youve made your move too soonand youll be at a disadvantage right off the bat. Instead, put thedebtor in the position of having to explain himself. Say somethinglike What are your intentions toward this bill?Part Two: The Facts - If the debtor doesnt agree to pay the billearly on, move into the next part of the call: asking questions abouthis situation. Its important to make a smooth transition here becauseyou dont want to alarm the debtor. Say something like Let me justfill out an extension form for you. Then you can start asking abouthis job, whether his wife is employed, any outstanding loans he mayhave, credit cards, etc.Part Three: The Dun - Once your questioning has given you theinformation you need you can show the debtor a way in which heor she can pay the debt. You know, for instance, that he can affordto put it on his MasterCard, or that she could qualify for a bank loan.Now youre in position to make your demand for payment (the dun).Part Four: The Close - Whether or not the debtor has agreed to paythere is also a specific way you should end the call. And I dont mean, Gee, thanks, have a nice day! or Youve got your nerve! Use anopen-ended question designed to put the debtor on the spot; somethinglike Do I have your word on that? If he has refused to pay or continuesto dodge and delay remind him of how serious the situation is; make itclear that the problem must still be resolved. Be professional; dontinsult him. Save any threats of legal action until youve contacted thedebtor several times without success and see no other option. Neverthreaten legal action unless you fully intend to follow through, otherwiseyou can be accused of harassment.Collection calls are a necessity in bill collecting. Making the effort to learn and use as many techniques as you can will bring results and increase the bank balance of your business.