The,Art,Making,Hats,Millinery, entertainment The Art of Making Hats
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Millinery, like anycategory of creative activity, is the art of making, designing or selling hatsespecially for women. Women caught up with the trend and started to wear hatsthat were very much in fashion until the 1960's, although men wearing cowboyhats could be traced back to four hundred years earlier,.With the jeansgeneration returning to dresses and skirts in the 1980's, hats became a fashionaccessory and often used as headpieces for weddings and were also designed forhistorical shows or theatrical costumes. When teased and bouffant hair stylesbecame popular, women went hatless. Hats were worn only on the coldest days forwarmth or on the hottest days for protection against the sun. Today, the use of hatsis back. With the return of hats to the fashion scene, designers have createdcustom millinery of cowboy hats that are hot items in retail trade and in thebroad realm of ecommerce. Influenced by country singers, celebrities and rodeoplayers, cowboy hats are likely to be among the favorite fashion accessory intoday's generation. Although no longer the old gaudy and dressy style as theyused to be, men and women who love outdoors prefer to wear country westernoutfits or cowboy hats for fun and fashion. People may regard it asa lost art or a dying industry, but making and designing hats not just forwomen but also for men is making it alive today. As a craft, millineryspecializes in all types of head coverings. Milliners would use different fabrics,materials, shapes and styles. The demand for cowboy hats is especially significantwith their unique design and usefulness which are considered contemporary thatevolved out of past styles. It is a lingering art. Head coverings, as asource of inspired millinery design includes the following: A Cap. The brim is usuallyin the form of a visor. A cap is a close fitting head covering having a lowcrown and very little brim. A Bonnet. The brim isusually curving around the face and is held by ribbons tied under the chin. Abonnet is a head covering that has a crown or the top part of a hat and a brimwhich is a projecting rim or edge. A Hat. A hat is a headcovering that has a crown and a brim. A Hood. A hood can beworn separately or as part of the robe or cloak. A hood is a soft head coveringthat fits closely around the face and neck. It is also a term for an unblocked,cone-shaped form of fur fiber or straw that is used in making hats.Cowboy hats, generallymade from leather, felt, wool, palm or straw are apt to be the people's choicewhen it comes to shopping for an all-time head wear or fashion accessory forfun and convenience.