The,Best,StarCraft,Terran,Rush entertainment The Best StarCraft 2 Terran Rush Strategies
Music is a vast sea and there are lots of singers in the world who earn so much fame because of their singing, voice and style and Rob Thomas is one of them. He is one of the best singers whose songs become very popular and he has great fan Know your event objective. If the aim of the event is to educate people then the entertainment is not the key element of the event. You would do better to use some light form of entertainment during the break to help attendees unwind and rel
The Terran race has a number ofdifferent units which are all ideal for rushing compared to theProtoss and Zerg race which only have one or one and a few variationson it. The first of these StarCraft 2 Terranrush strategies involves Reapers. With Reapers, it's important torush your enemy quickly and decisively before they have a chance todefend themselves. Scout their location with an SCV very early on. Ifyou are on a map with only 2 spawn locations then this is unnecessaryand you can just run in with your Repeat once it's done. Build yourBarracks and Supply Depot next to your ramp to wall off your base asif the rush fails you'll want to have that defense against anycounters.The build order is 9 - Barracks. Builda tech lab on the Barracks when its done. 9 - Refinery. Save 75minerals after starting the Barracks to build a Refinery. Put 3 SCVsmining gas once the refinery is done. 10 - Supply Depot. Make sureit's done before the Tech Lab finishes so that you can immediatelybegin your first Reaper.Set the rally point of the Barracks toyour opponent's base so they will immediately head there. Hot keyyour first Reaper to quickly access him and do the same for theBarracks to continuously produce units. Typically I'll wait til Ihave 3 - 4 Reapers before heading in so they won't be able tocounter. You can "Kite" with your Reapers given theirspeed, meaning you can shoot an enemy unit like a Zealot then runaway, then return to do it again as the Zealot isn't fast enough tocatch your Repear. You can make short work of their work force withmultiple Reapers, as well. Like with any rush, the faster you buildthe more effective you'll be and less prepared your opponent will be.The next of these StarCraft 2 Terranrush strategies to mention is the Nuke rush which is more suited formineral/resource attacks rather than against armed units. They're notas powerful as the first game so you can't demolish entire basesanymore but it's great for inflicting economic damage. Therefore it'simportant to go with a standard build of Marauders into Thors andThanks or an air based build so that after you inflicted the economicdamage they'll be scrambling to fix that, then you move in with yourforces. Build 2 Ghost Academies to have a constant stream of nukesand train the Ghost Cloaking skill while avoiding units which can seecloaked units so that you can invade your enemy's base undetected andsneak to their mineral banks in the back.The last of these StarCraft 2 Terranrush strategies is for getting a banshee as quickly as possible andif done correctly (after practiced) you can have one out in less than6 minutes which is a major advantage as it's likely your opponentwill be unable to defend against it and you should first prioritizetaking out their mineral line.The build order is as follows: 9 -Refinery, 10 - Barracks, 11 - Factory with Tech Lab, 11 - OrbitalCommand, 11- Starport, 11- Supply Depot.Make sure you've got 3 SCVs on gas asyou'll need 100 gas for the Factory once the Barracks are done. Builda Starport as soon as the Factory is set and build the tech lab whilethat's being built. Extra minerals should be used for the OrbitalCommand. Once the Starport has begun you should also build a SupplyDepot. Lift up your Factory and Starport and swap the two so theStarport can use the Tech Lab, saving you time rather than buildinganother Lab. Once the first Banshee is completely set the rally pointat your opponent's mineral line. You can easily harass their mineralsearly on this way before your opponent will likely have any anti-airto throw at you. To counter this you simply have to scout as againthis does take 6 minutes so that you can plan for anti-airaccordingly. Scouting is essential for reacting to whatever tacticsyour opponent goes with, so use it as often as possible. Article Tags: Terran Rush Strategies, Terran Rush, Rush Strategies, These Starcraft, Supply Depot