BlueProximity,Lock,Computer,us computer BlueProximity: Lock Computer using your Phone
----------------------------------------------------------Permission is granted for the below article to forward,reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website,offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as longas no changes a Gone are those times when the companies and the organisations didn't need a hi-tech system to handle them. Owing to the considerable increase in the business sector and thus, an enormous increase in the complexity of the organisational struc
Things required1) Bluetooth Dongle2) Mobile Phone with Bluetooth.Steps to Install BlueProximityAutomatic (For Hardy or newer version)BlueProximity is included in the repos of Hardy or newer version of Ubuntu and it can be installed using "apt-get":sudo apt-get install blueproximityManual InstallationFor older version of Ubuntu (Older than Hardy) you will have to manually install blueproximity.1) First you have to install Dependenciessudo apt-get install bluez-utils python-gtk2 python-glade2 python-configobj python-bluez2) Install latest version of python-support package from and install it using command "sudo dpkg -i"3) Install BlueProximityDownload BlueProximity from OR and install it using "dpkg"Pair Devices1) Insert Bluetooth Dongle on your System and enable it (and set it Visible)2) Activate Bluetooth on your Mobile and Scan for your computer.3) Authorize and Pair both the devices using PIN.Steps to Configure BlueProximity1) Open blueproximity from Accessories or execute the command "blueproximity"2) Scan for the devices and Select the device you want to configure. (Make sure that the device is Paired with Computer Already)3) BlueProximity Settings/Configuration/Details: Click on Proximity Details which will show following optionsSet FollowingLock: Distance: 7time: 10Unlock:Distance: 3time: 34) Locking and Unlocking: By Default Proximity uses following commands to lock and unlock your screen automatically.Locking Command: gnome-screensaver-command -lUnlocking command: gnome-screensaver-command -dBut you can turn your monitor off at the time of lock which will save Electricity when you are away from your computer and switch it on when you return. Using Following Commands to lock&turn off and "unlock & turn On the monitorLocking Command: gnome-screensaver-command -l && xset dpms force offUnlocking command: xset dpms force on && gnome-screensaver-command -dNow, get up from your chair and move few steps back!!!! Article Tags: Command Gnome-screensaver-command