Dynamics,Sales,Forms,Modificat computer Dynamics GP Sales Forms Modification in Report Writer notes

----------------------------------------------------------Permission is granted for the below article to forward,reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website,offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as longas no changes a Gone are those times when the companies and the organisations didn't need a hi-tech system to handle them. Owing to the considerable increase in the business sector and thus, an enormous increase in the complexity of the organisational struc

Likely the candidates to be on your modified Invoice areLogo, Disclaimers, Special Instructions. We assume that you are on Dynamics GP 10.0 and we will give youhighlights on how to modify forms in GP ReportWriter: 1.       Securityfor the user to use Report Writer. Please, login Dynamics GP as sa – this is MS SQL Server SystemAdministrator account, it is required to update user access on MS SQL master,DYNAMICS  and Company DB records level.  Tools->Setup->System->User Security,pick the user id and the company and mark IT Operations Manager role.  You do not need this step if your company isvery small and Great Plains Security is not a big concern and you could allowmodify GP forms under SA user ID 2.       CreateCompany Logo.  In DynamicsGP->Customize->Report Writer, create new Resource as the Picture.  Here you can upload your logo in BMP or JPGformat (you can try other formats, however results may require you additionaliterations).  You should be patient, aslogo upload might be sensitive to your logo source file format and quality, soin some cases you may have different results in printing to your local printerand PDF file.  In most of the cases youshould consider creating Picture resource by uploading high resolution picture,for example consider 443x136.  If Pictureresource is now created, it should be available in your RW modified reports 3.       Nowin RW Original Reports left section find SOP Blank Invoice Form (this isusually a default for SOP Invoice Type, however if you altered the default, youshould check it in Sales Order Processing Setup and there in default Invoice IDformat – options are Blank, Short, Long Other formats).  Now move the form to Modified section on theright side and open it, then click on Layout button on the right.  Please, note that you will have to place yourLogo Picture resource on both portions: Report and Page header, as Dynamics GPSOP forms may be longer than just one page. Typically you place the logo above Company Name and Company Address Line1 on the left top corner 4.       Testing.  You do not want your GP users to scream onyou and testing helps you to have happy IT life.  In RW click on File->Microsoft Dynamics GPmenu and you will be back to Great Plains user interface.  In Sales section click on Sales TransactionEntry and pick one of the existing work phase invoices, print it.  If you think that the form is completelydifferent from what you expect to see, check security for the user:Tools->Setup->System->User Security, pick company and userid andAlternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID ( usually DEFAULTUSER) – check thatthis ID has access to Modified SOP Blank Invoice form 5.       Ifyou think that this Dynamics GP modification routine is too complex or you donot want to take a risk, please feel free to call us: 1-866-528-0577, [email protected]



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