The,Listening,Gap,Between,Sigh communication The Listening Gap Between Sight and Sound
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The truth is there is a gap between sight and hearing,between visual and auditory, between seeing and believing.And the fact is that this gap creates a billion dollarindustry. Improving communication has billions of books onhow-tos sitting on shelves and training services galore. Andthe topic keeps on selling.People push themselves to improve their verbal and writingskills as a prediction to their increased success. How manyhave asked the question that Dr. Stephen Covey continuallyreminds us to ask, "Is it S.M.A.R.T.?" That is, is itspecific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Ifyou use SMART as a measurement, the fact is, it doesn'twork. Is great communication achievable and realistic? Isit SMART?We want to believe so. We want to hope so. We want sobadly to stand up in front of millions and say something aswisely as, "I have a dream...." Or simpler, we saysomething wise to our children or friends. Yet, have youever asked if this was even possible? Martin Luther Kingdidn't write this speech all by himself and possibly didn'teven create the phrase first. Yet we assume it to be.Based on our personal growth with sight and sound since neewe assume we can do it all alone, all by ourselves. Has anywise communication ever really been written all by oneperson? Not usually. There also seems to be at least aspiritual hand.Did you know that we see things at 1,086 miles per secondand we hear at 1,100 feet per second? Our culture isspeeding up because its crafted a "seeing is best" mindset.Television, Internet, movies, the list goes on. If thevisual world is communication, then is it based on visualalone? It seems to be going in that direction, doesn't it?The truth is that never the two shall meet -- seeing andhearing. They are too far apart in the spectrum. In orderto hear, truly hear, one must slow down to what seems like ababy crawl in comparison to the speed of light and oursights reflection.Yet, it takes the two to fully understand communication doesit not. Not sure, then that is correct. How would thevisually impaired or hearing impaired communicate then?What is the speed of feeling? Is it faster or slower thanlight or faster or slower than hearing? Is it measured byfeet or by miles? No one knows, I don't think. Its neverbeen quantitatively tested, at least anywhere I could find.Yet can it be? If you would measure feeling, what wouldthat be? Maybe in nanoseconds. Feeling is instinctive andtouch is a sense. Then is feeling a sense as well? Or arethey both the same? What is different between feeling andhearing? Can we define its difference?Do you sit and watch television with a sense of touch orsmell? Not at least from my blurb tube you can't. Did youever think of hearing a television program? Of turning yourback to the box and watching the show? Why not? Why nottry it and feel this exact disconnect, this gap, that I'mtalking about. Strain your ears to hear. Learn again whatit means to hear.What brings sight and sound together? Meaning anddefinition becomes only throughout our growing years. Whena parent points to something moving in the air and calls ita butterfly or a plane. When we sat in class and seepictures of the Eiffel Tower or a bullfight in Spain. Therewas no sound. All we could do was imagine, placeassumptions on what sound could be, would be. And wonder ifthere will be a time when we will be there, when we willhear. And be able to match a picture of an eagle with oneactually flying above.We see a picture of a beautiful women, you know, the perfect10, in some magazine. You wish to be like her or to wanther. Then one day you meet her in the street and hear hervoice. It squeaks as if you were stroking chalk backwardsacross a blackboard. You can't wait to run and hide. Thedisconnect, the gap, was there. But gosh darn it, shes a10, you say. In a split second from sight to sound, thedesire to be like her to have her dropped, it wasn't thesame.It is said, "seeing is believing," is that the truth? Howmany of us know that isn't always the truth, yet we've heardit so frequently there are assumptions tied to it that makesits seem like the truth. How many assumptions have you madebecause of things you've seen and hear, made between thegap, between the speed of sight and the slower hearing?What would change in your daily routine if you began reallyhearing, slowing down to 1,100 feet per second? What wouldyou loose? What would you gain? Would the gain bepositive? All thoughts to think about, to mull over in oursimple yet complicated little minds.I encourage you to shift a little in your life and begin togive equal value to hearing if you can. To listening to theuniversal sounds, to what is far below the speed of light.Light that gives you the ability to see. But to begin tosee with your ears."Its not what you say but how you say it," is a phrasefrequently told. Is it the truth? Or is the real truth howeveryone else hears it that makes a difference?The truth is that the gap can never be brought together.All our senses are on different parts of our rainbow. Don'tloose sight of hearing. Practice differently today andtomorrow. Lie in bed and hear the walls. Hear the breezewhenever outdoors. Hear the plants grow. Yes, you can onceyou learn to hear again. Hear your heart beating and watchthe cravings for things you know you shouldn't have go bye.Learn discernment between the two. Close your eyes in thenext meeting, what do you hear? What do you not?As Shakespeare once said, "That is the question?" This isfrom me to you and for fuel for thought. Just so you grow.