QuestNet,Singapore,and,the,fak business, insurance QuestNet Singapore and the fake complaints
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Many businesses flourish in Singapore, and those in the direct sales sector are no exception.Of those, QuestNet Singapore is one of the most successful companies. Formed in 1998, it is one of the worlds fastest-growing online shopping and business communities. Whats more, it is the 5th most successful direct selling sales company in Asia according to Direct Selling News.As a global network marketing company, QuestNet enables its independent representatives (IRs) to actively raise their quality of life with a proven business plan and a portfolio of high-quality lifestyle products, all on its proprietary e-commerce platform. The company also provides training to groom members to become professional marketers.Yet QuestNet Singapore has in recent years had its reputation marred by rumours spread online that it was scamming customers with a get rich quick scheme. These rumours are, of course, just rumours, possibly caused by miscommunication and the wrong information. QuestNet has been around for over a decade, with millions of customers and distributors in more than 200 countries. It is just not plausible controlling every single members actions, and sometimes overenthusiastic members may cause potential members to think the money will come just by joining the business. This is not how it works. Just like any other business venture you have to put in time and efforts to manage, strategise, and sell your products .The company has never promised anyone easy money. On the contrary, QuestNet Singapore constantly emphasises that for one to be successful in network marketing, they must be prepared to work hard.QuestNet Singapore remains resilient, having to prove itself time and time again that it is a legitimate direct sales business. So the next time you find many financially independent people in Singapore, QuestNet may just be the reason why!