harmonybest,Team,MLM,Strategy, business, insurance harmonybest Team MLM Strategy / System
Small offices have unique needs, and thatincludes document shredding. Designed with the smaller business inmind, the Dahle 20314 is a cross-cut shredder that offers Level 3security and brings you into compliance with federal regulations. The As we all know to live in this world we have to perform some activity by which we can earn money. There are many activities by which we can earn money and meet the standards to live in this society. And from one of them is franchise. Franc
Let Me HELP You.( Be SMART & WISE This Time ) What is Your Reputation in the MLM Industry & what would be Your Team members THINK of YOU,if YOU Are CHANGING the MLM Company very Frequently from 1 to next and to thenext MLM Company ? Probably,NO Vision, NO Integrity, NO Sure, and NO Certainly, NO Stability, NO Leadership and NO Success. 1. No success = No income, So pitiful After all the Hard Work. 2. You got No choice, youjumped and switched MLM Companies due to poor income. 3. You NOT giving up, youcontinue in the MLM industry. 4. You have been in the MLMIndustry for 5 years, 8 years, 9, 10, 15 years or more, but you STILL STRUGGLE, WHY ? 5. Why? Some things must be VERY WRONG,Either no vision, no ability in choosing theright MLM Company, No leadership, No System, No Team Work and so on. . . 6. When any person venturedinto MLM Business for MORE than 5 years of Hard Work still NOT making aComfortable Income, honestly you in my eyes, they have FAILED. 7. Admit yourself whether you ARESuccess or Failure inyour MLM Business. DO NOT forget your original goal that is time and financialfreedom. We ALL aim for this when weFIRST Joined a MLM Company and we prepared ourselves to Work Hard for 5 Years. NOW, ARE You Successful, HAVEYou GAIN Financial Freedom ? 8. Now, LET ME HELP YOU. Be smart and be wise thistime. 9. I sincerely invite thosewho have In MLM Business for more than 5 years and still NOT earn a GOODmonthly income. 10. I also invite those whoare STRUGGLE in MLM Business because of Lack of experience ( 1 to 2 yearsof experience ). 11. If You are doing WELL inthe MLM Business, then the 1st 2years you should see your Income GROW, in this case I would STRONGLY Advise youto stay FOCUS in your MLM Company, otherwise YOU can Consider JOINING me, harmonybest Team and Let Me andmy Team Members HELP You. 12. If you are a total newcomer, and wanted to get into the MLM Industry, then I ask youto be VERY PATIENT, and you MUST try to learn as much as possible. ( onlineplus offline marketing ). 13. MOST Important is thatYou have to join with the RIGHT Team with many Top Leaders to HELP You. 14. If you have achieve certain status in your present MLM Companysays USD 50,000 monthly, then you even NEED to consider to join force with meand my team. So that, we all Top Leaders can quickly achieve USD 400,000 andMORE Per month. 15. They are so manythousands of MLM Companies in the world, after choosing the RIGHT MLM Company,all team members MUST helping each other to Make Money even by putting 2 sidesfor hardworking members when needed and STAY FOCUS & COMMIT in 1 MLM company fora period of 3 years. 16. In this situation, I am100% confident that 90% of my team members would Make GOOD Monthly Income andONLY 10% failed. 17. Otherwise, without TeamWork and aGOOD System, then we would see 90% of MLM Members FAILED. And the10% of Leaders have to change Company AGAIN from time to time and repeat allthe STUPID Things. 18. NOW my question is Doyou know how to choose the RIGHT MLM company? 19. Everyone think they areSMART? Their MLM Company is theBEST? They have chosen the RIGHTMLM Company this time. Then they Work Hard Online& Offline Marketing, TRIED to be a Leader and also TRIED to Recruit Leadersinto their Team. ARE You REALLY a SMART person? ARE You SUCCESSFUL after 1year, 2 years of Networking? OR You ARE Struggling BADLYto SURVIVE ? You can easily check yourselfwhether you are SUCCESSFUL or NOT. You ONLY need to see yourmonthly income. Are you SUCCESSFUL after 5 years of Hard Work? If the answer is NOT, then please DONT cheat yourself, WAKE UP and BE WISE This Time.( denial and cheating yourself is the BIGGEST CRIME). 20. Some even like to STAY inthe SAME MLM Company even they were NOT Making Money after 8 years, 10 years inthe Business and they are STILL Work VERY Hard. Personally I met few of THISCategory people. (I got NO COMMENT ) 21. I admit I learn from mymistakes as well in my 1st MLMCompany, what have I learn? 22. What I have learned frommy 1st MLMBusiness Is what I share here, my articles in this blog. 23. Think CAREFULLY, should you or should You NOT JOIN me, and my harmonybest Team ? 24. Decision is entirelyYours. 25. Please DO NOT TRY torecruit me as I JUST SWICTHED from my FIRST MLM Company, Naturally Plus, Japan5 months ago due to MANY of my Team Members were NOT ACTIVE because of the HIGHMonthly maintenance Fees even I TRY my level BEST to assist them. 26. NOW I JUST switched tobHIP, another reputable USA MLM Company with several GREAT Products in theWorld. The BEST part is bHIP offers HIGHEST pay out USD 400,000 per month orMORE for the CAPABLE Leaders plus the monthly maintenance fees is VERY LOW andAffordable for MOST members ONLY at USD 36.00. 27. I am COMMITED to ALLmy Team Leaders and Members of harmonybest Team and I am going TO stay in bHIPand to EARN the HIGHEST in the near future. 28. Everyone who have thechance to read this article please JOIN FORCE with ME and harmonybest Teammembers and STAY FOCUS in this bHIP alone together for 3 years, then I CANGUARANTEE You that 90% of harmonybest Team members Make MONEY, ONLY 10% FAILEDas I have shared in my EARLIER Articles 2 months ago. 29. ISincerely invite ALL MLM Networkers, New Comers and Top Leaders, whether youare STILL STRUGGLING or Earn USD 50,000 per month. Please JOINFORCE with ME NOW so that each and every one of us can have a Comfortablemonthly income, since they are so many thousands of MLM Company divided ourefforts. EMAIL me DIRECT victor@harmonybest.com ( DONT Slip Your Chances in Life ) TEAM WORK IS STRENGTH, FRIENDSHIP HELPING EACH OTHER WORLDWIDE. WORLDPEACE & harmonybest. Many Western Top MLM Leaders tried and stilltrying to Recruit me and they are very eager to Penetrate the Asia Countries,China, and India Markets. My ADVICE is Be SMART .a) You DONT have to WASTE time and effort Recruiting me UNDER you; You Gain INSTANT Access to Asia, China, and IndiaBILLION Markets ONLY by JOINING FORCE with ME.