Caring,For,Your,Roll,Laminator business, insurance Caring For Your Roll Laminator
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When it comes to taking care of your rolllaminator, there is really only one thing to concern yourself with. Butyou should repeat it like a mantra every time you use, look at, or eventhink about your laminating machine. Are you ready? Here goes: Keep therollers clean. No, you don't need to clean the rollers every time you use the machine,(a good rule of thumb is about four times a year) but the more youthink about doing so, the more often it will get done, and the longeryour machine will last. This is especially important to keep in mindfor large organizations such as schools and churches and in anysituation where the machine will see heavy use from many differentusers of varying levels of experience. There is no hard and fast rule as to how often the rollers should becleaned, but it is important to note that the longer you wait, theharder the adhesive becomes, and the more difficult it is to remove.Also important to keep in mind is that you should never, ever, usesharp objects like Exact-o knives or any other kind of blade to scrapethe rollers clean. The rollers are made of softer rubber like materialand any sort of cut or ding will lead to even more future problems. Here are some simple steps to keeping the rollers of your laminating machine clean: Make sure that there isn't any film in the machine. Infact, you might use that as a good excuse to clean the rollers everytime you change the film. Heat the machine asif for normal operation. This will help soften the adhesive so that itcan be removed more easily. Just please be careful not to burn yourselfwhile you are working on the machine. When themachine is warmed up, use a green scrubbie (aka 3M Scotch Brite pad) toscrub the rollers. Set the machine so the rollers are moving as slowlyas possible. Never, ever use steel wool or SOS pads or anything of thesort, as these can lead to damage. Be patient, take your time and makesure that you are getting all the adhesive off the rollers. When the cleaning process is finished, go ahead and install some newrolls and remember to make sure that the feed table is engaged. Thereare some ways to help prevent problems with your rollers, and for aheavy use machine it might be a good idea to make a sign (and laminateit) to place near the machine that says the following: Donot attempt to laminate anything that is made of metal or containsglitter. The glitter gets stuck in the rollers and can ruin themachine. Do not attempt to laminate heavieritems such as wooden objects or coins. We know of one school who ruinedtheir laminator attempting to laminate 3D collages containing sticks. Wehope that by following these rules and by keeping your rollers clean,you can enjoy many years of use from your roll laminating machine. Article Tags: Roll Laminator, Every Time, Laminating Machine, Rollers Clean, Make Sure