Paper,Joggers,For,Beginners,Si business, insurance Paper Joggers For Beginners
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Since you're reading this, either you're in themarket for a paper jogger or you're wondering just what the heck apaper jogger could be. Well, a paper jogger is a machine that jiggles astack of paper to ensure that the sheets are flush. (It also reducesstatic cling.) Paper joggers are usually used by binderies and printshops who need to make sure that a stack of paper is lined up rightbefore the documents are bound, cut, mailed, etc. Buying a paper joggercan be bewildering, especially if you're not sure what you should belooking for. This article will fill you in on what's important toconsider when buying a paper jogger. First, you need to think about how much paper you're going to process.Some machines have a single bin that can hold one ream of paper, butthere are also larger machines that can hold three or four reams in thesame number of bins. The more paper you need to jog, the more bins youneed. Paper size is also an important consideration. Many paper joggers aredesigned to handle standard letter-sized sheets (8.5" x 11") and thesemachines are usually angled (up to 60 degrees). However, there areother joggers that can hold sheets that are legal-sized (8.5" x 14") orlarger. And if you work with odd-sized materials, such as envelopes,you'll need a special jogger. There are special envelope joggers thatare great for companies that handle a lot of correspondence. And if youwork with other types of products such as magazines and newspapers, youcan purchase a flat jogger which allows you to hold your items as themachine aligns them. Flat joggers are ideal for jogging big, oversizeddocuments. As mentioned above, paper joggers can help eliminate the static thatbuilds up during document production. Static often builds up duringfour-color process printing, but an air-assist jogger can help withthat by shooting a bit of compressed air to separate the documents. Soif you work with four-color processed documents a lot, be sure to lookfor a machine that can help you with the static problem. They'reusually a bit more expensive than standard paper joggers, but the extracost is well worth it. Some paper joggers are variable speed models. This means you can varythe speed at which documents are jogged. What speed you use depends alot on the type of paper you're trying to jog. For example, regularbond paper needs a higher speed than glossy paper because the glossystuff slides around a lot easier. You'll also need to consider where you'll be putting your new paperjogger. If space is tight, a floor-standing jogger might be a goodidea. There are also desktop joggers that can be placed on any desk ortable, allowing you to sit down while you work. It's all a matter ofpersonal preference and how much free space you have. You'll also wantto think about your budget, of course, although you should always buythe best machine you can afford. It will save you money in the long runbecause you'll be less likely to have to repair or replace the machine.Hopefully you're now a little bit less bewildered than you were whenyou first started reading this article and now feel confident that youcan choose the right paper jogger for your workplace. Good luck andhave fun with your new machine! Article Tags: Paper Joggers, Paper Jogger