Understanding,the,Under,Utiliz business, insurance Understanding the Under Utilized Auto Responder
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Undoubtedly, one of the most powerful automation andpromotional tools we have for our online businesses is the autoresponder.Auto responders work for us when we're not online, theyprovide instant information for readers, and can follow up withprospects automatically for us over time.However, I still believe auto responders are often underutilized, and occasionally even used in an improper manner.HOW TO USE AN AUTO RESPONDERThe most common uses for auto responders are informationcourses and follow up messages relating to businessopportunities.However, should that be the limit of their use?Auto responders can be used in a variety of ways, and eachgives you the opportunity to have further contact with potentialcustomers or clients. Why not capture as many of thoseopportunities as possible?Use them to provide further information on the topic your site,ezine, or sales letter is discussing. Provide links to relatedarticles, testimonials, recommendations, lists of resources orreference materials, detailed product information, or anythingelse that may be of value.I used to get many subscribers to an auto responder on my sitethat simply asked if the visitor was in a hurry and if he or shewould rather get the information about my program by email toview later on.Auto responder links can even be used in advertising instead oflinks leading directly to your site.Of course, you'll need to consider whether or not what you arepromoting warrants the use of an auto responder or would bebetter with a direct site link. For more thoughts on this subject,send for my article "When and When Not To Use an AutoResponder" at: mailto:whenauto@netplaynewsletters.comOne other thing to consider is that an auto responder link withinformation on demand can be valuable for others to use aswell.For instance, say you have an article in an auto responder.Besides direct person to person recommendation by peoplewho've read the article, ezine publishers or webmasters mayuse your auto responder link along with a short descriptionof the content in their ezines or on their sites -- even if there isnot room to run your complete article.In general, links are easier to pass around than completecontent, and so it can be an advantage for you.OFFER VALUABLE CONTENTAs with the anything else, the content of your auto responderneeds to have value for the reader or you will be wasting yourtime as it won't be read. This should be obvious.However, there are a couple of other things many overlook inregards to content. I don't know how many times I've clickedon a link to an auto responder, expecting more informationrelated to what I was viewing at the time, only to get somethingeither totally unrelated or that's just a repeat of what I'd alreadyread.This is not only disappointing to the reader, but a waste oftime. As you write the content for your auto responder, makesure you remind your reader not only where the email camefrom, but why it was he or she requested it in the first place. Inother words, rekindle their interest. This will give your autoresponder emails a much better chance of being read in case itspends a few days in your reader's inbox before being opened.From there, provide additional information on the topic ofinterest, not just a regurgitation of what was already said.Reminding people of what they read previously is fine, ofcourse, but put at least some variety into it.WRITE WITH PERSONALITYAnother thing to think about is the personality or tone of yourmessages. To anyone that's been online for a while, it's obviouswhen an email comes from an auto responder. However, thatdoesn't mean your message needs to feel cold and impersonal.Even if it is automatic, it's still coming from you. Let yourreaders feel who it is that's writing to them, just as if youcomposed the message explicitly for them.CALL FOR AN ACTIONConsider also the overall goal you have for each message.What is it you want the reader to do after he or she finishesreading? Do you want them to re-visit your site? Subscribe toyour ezine? Get back in touch with you? Define the action youwant your reader to take and call them to that action by the endof the message if not sooner.TIME INTERVALSAlmost exclusively, you'll want the first email from your multi-message auto responder sent out immediately. From there,though, how long do you wait before sending the next one?In general, if you're providing information, such as in amarketing course, you'll want to send messages daily untilfinished. If your goal is to follow up on a visit to your businessopportunity, though, you may want to spread your messagesout a bit.Your goal in this case is not just to provide information, but tostay in contact over time and remind your reader to look furtherinto what you are offering. Send your messages morefrequently in the beginning, perhaps every other day, and lessfrequently as time goes by. This will give you moreopportunities for contact without overstepping your welcome.RESOURCESThere are many auto responder services available online.Some of the most popular are:Get Responsehttp://www.globalwealthnow.com/getresponse.htmlAweberhttp://www.globalwealthnow.com/aweber.htmlList Warriorhttp://www.globalwealthnow.com/listwarrior.htmlQuicktellhttp://www.quicktell.comSend Freehttp://www.sendfree.comAs well, there are a multitude of marketing programs that offerauto responders as part of their program.One more thing to consider, however, is the benefit of havingyour auto responders reflect your own domain name. Havingyour messages come directly from your site will only increasethe credibility of your business.To get auto responders on your own domain, you'll need toinstall a CGI script on your site. Again, some marketingprograms provide auto responder scripts as a benefit ofmembership. One such program is the Internet MarketingWarriors. http://www.globalwealthnow.com/warriorpro.htmlSearching for 'auto responder scripts' will get you severalresults to check out as well.PROMOTING WITH AUTO RESPONDERSThe main thing auto responders can do for you in terms ofpromotion is offer repeat contact with potential customers.Auto responders carrying good content can recommendproducts or services, refer to affiliate programs, solicit ezinesubscriptions or site visitors, re-emphasize benefits of a productor opportunity, explore further benefits, and even carry relatedclassified advertising along with the message.Start by providing useful content related to what it is you wishto promote, and then include a call to action in each messagethat directs people toward what you are offering.Auto responders are certainly an indispensable tool for onlinemarketers. Consider how they can play a more useful role inyour business, and you're bound to increase your profits.---------------------------------------------------------------To get MORE "Up To Date" marketing and promotioninformation, I recommend the FREE e-course "115 InternetMarketing Techniques to Blast Your Competitors Out of theWater!" 115 Internet Marketing Techniques Get It Today.*written by Joe Bingham of the NetPlay Marketerhttp://www.netplaynewsletters.com--------------------------------------------------------------- Article Tags: Auto Responder, Auto Responders