Take,look,through,eyes...at,yo business, insurance Take a look through my eyes...at your business!
As we all know to live in this world we have to perform some activity by which we can earn money. There are many activities by which we can earn money and meet the standards to live in this society. And from one of them is franchise. Franc Small offices have unique needs, and thatincludes document shredding. Designed with the smaller business inmind, the Dahle 20314 is a cross-cut shredder that offers Level 3security and brings you into compliance with federal regulations. The
Everyone will see and have a different perception of yourbusiness to a point and although, like the old adage goes,you can't please all the people all the time, you muststrive to please as many as possible as often as you can.As your business grows, it will take on a life andpersonality of it's own. Your "Business Personality" is areflection of you, the time and the effort you put into it.For those of us with small and home businesses they are anactual essence or reflection of ourselves. We breathe lifeinto something once lifeless. Our clients and customers seethis reflection every day by the store front we present andby the actions we take.Treat your business as you would a pupil. Lead it, adviseit, guide it through the rough spots. Don't let it wonderoff. Keep it focused on the end result. Your end result orbusiness goal should be to service your (key or) targetcustomer.This is Marketing! Marketing is not necessarily promotion oradvertising, although they are great tools to be used in amarketing strategy. Marketing however, is an overview ofyour business and how it relates to your customers, past.present and future.Your business no matter what it is, should have one goal inmind, to benefit and relate to your customers. How do you dothis? You must first understand how your business isportrayed by the audience. Take a look at your businessthrough their eyes!People are instinctively sensitive to their surroundings.Whether it's the restaurant they eat in, or the businessthey deal with. Your business should be sensitive to theneeds of your customer, a pleasure to deal with and portraythe image they imagined you should be. Your business shouldform a friendly, almost family like alliance with yourcustomer and targeted market.If you expect to be in business for the long-haul you bettertake a look at your business from the customers point ofview. Too often the entrepreneur is all-consumed with thesale and loses their way when it comes to the portrayal ofthe business. This entrepreneur may have little chance ofcreating an alliance or a relationship. Everybody wants tocome home eventually. Make your business a home to come backto.I've mentioned this before and I'm so sure I'll drill itinto you again and again. This is the single most importantpart of Marketing. NICHE! Stay focused on your niche, thepeople and the market around it. When it comes to yourbusiness you 'should have "Tunnel-vision", centering yourefforts on only one purpose. Don't waste precious energytrying to create different markets for this one product orservice.I'm not saying that you should have only one product! Muchto the contrary. One purpose or market can be fulfilled bymany products and services, but don't let your product lineor variety of services dictate your marketing efforts. Showthe audience your one, single, primary purpose for existing,to serve their specific need with a specific solution. Yourcompany should be a narrowing road leading to a singledestination.Take time out "Right Now" (and I mean RIGHT NOW!), closeyour eyes, and imagine you are part of an audience, and yourbusiness is on a stage performing it's debut act. Neverbefore seen by you.You as the audience would be the targeted consumer. The playon stage is your business on an average day. Is the play inprogress turning out the way you imagined it would andshould?Is your business performing a slapstick comedy, when youexpected to see a drama unfold? In other words is yourbusiness in harmony with what you expected to see? Beobjective and critical. Go ahead, Take a look through myeyes..at your business! Article Tags: Look Through, Should Have